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Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Love U Baby...


Surah Luqman (verse 33)

O mankind! do your duty to your Lord, and fear (the coming of) a Day when no father can avail aught for his son, nor a son avail aught for his father. Verily, the promise of Allah is true: let not then this present life deceive you, nor let the chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah.

Surah Al-Ghafir (verse 67)

It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old,- though of you there are some who die before;- and lets you reach a Term appointed; in order that ye may learn wisdom.

Yesterday, 27 September 2006, my wife was exactly 12 weeks pregnant. Here's the fetal development according to

Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though s/he is only about 2 inches/5.5cms long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than half an ounce/ 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder.

The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.

P/S: By the way, the drawing above is me and wife during our wedding day. Some say (including my wife) that the bride does look like her. However, the rendition of me is somewhat less accurate. Less handsome than the real me perhaps? Hahaha.....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ramadhan Lessons

AL-BAQARAH (183-185).


O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint;

(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will,- it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.

Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Road 'RAGE'

1. In the effort of improving safety and reducing the number of road accidents, the government has introduced to us before, some new rules and regulations. Among them are requesting car owners to install third brake lights and asking motorcyclists to switch on their headlights during the day.

But I wonder, how about larger vehicles like lorries and buses? Shouldn't they install third (or even fourth and fifth) brake lights too? In fact, they should also install signal lights on the sides of their vehicles so that people will know whenever those larger vehicles are turning right or left (this is especially helpful if you are driving/riding by the sides of a bus for example).

I've seen lights on the back of lorries so small, we have ants with eyes bigger than that! And sometimes, their brake or signal lights are also not working, thereby jeopardising other road users.

I think it's time that we implement rules such that lorries and buses should have proper lights installed on them. By proper, I mean the size of the lights are of reasonable sizes (considering the size of the vehicle itself) and at proper locations on the vehicle so that the lights are visible enough.

2. Rains and storms are part of the norms for the Klang Valley people. These storms are usually followed by news on massive traffic jams, flash floods and sadly, we also occasionally hear people being hurt or killed when trees or branches of trees fall on them. True, we want to create and maintain our status (the Kuala Lumpur city, especially) as a city in garden. But should it be at the expense of lives and properties?

I think the city councils should take proactive measures by chopping off branches that are hazardous to safety or if conditions require so, uproot the whole trees completely. Don't wait until only when someone is crushed by them or when the train service is disrupted by some fallen branches, we see people in uniforms spring into action. I think we can still beautify our cities by just planting flowers or small trees (which do not grow more than a few metres high of course). Our cities can still look 'green' and soothing to the eyes, especially to tourists.

3. My dear motorcyclists. When the jam is packed and other larger vehicles seem to be not moving at all, it's not really a ticket for you to speed up and/or weaving your machines between us so dangerously. Don't also honk or curse on us when we try to change lanes in the midst of the jam. My wife once witnessed how a car driver was slapped a few times by a motorcyclist who had fallen after hitting the side of the car.

Let me say this - say, during smooth traffic, we often see how cars, lorries, buses and even motorcycles change their lanes from left to right and vice versa. So, the same applies during bumper-to-bumper situation. The only difference is that, larger vehicles CAN'T change lanes easily and they WILL end up between two lanes or in a rather (awkward) diagonal position (compared to the rest of vehicles).

Therefore, traffic jam (packed or not) is actually the time for you, my dear motorcyclists to take extra precautions, and NOT pressing harder on your fuels.

4. The fasting month is coming. For most firms, Muslim staff are allowed to punch out, up to one hour earlier. To my fellow non-Muslim friends, kindly refrain yourselves from going home that early as well and let your Muslim friends leave first. This is because the traffic jam is already terrible with all the Muslims leaving their work places almost at the same time. By the way, don't you guys have your usual one-hour lunch break already? Sigh....

The road rage MIGHT continue.... Stay tune! :))

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Saturday, September 16, 2006


In Venice, there is a festival called The Carnival of Venice (can the name be any easier or less obvious?) where wearing masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian carnival and people could spend a large proportion of the year in disguise (P/S: read about my trip to the city at http://members.fortunecity.com/abdunmy/zone3.htm).

Would you agree that we too wear masks sometimes and some people wear masks throughout a large proportion of the year. Normally, we 'wear' masks to hide our true nature, our true colours and most of the time, we try to portray to other people that we are a good person (when truly we are 'less' than that). If there is an expression called "puting on our thinking cap", then when we hide our true face, I'd like to call it as wearing a "good mask".

Examples of certain situations where we most likely wear "good masks" are when we try to get ourselves acquainted with other guests at a party or a function; during job interviews; on our first (or earlier) dates with the girl/boy we like so much; getting to know our (future) parents-in-law; the first few weeks/months at a new workplace/school etc. etc.

Very seldom we find a person who tries to make an impression that he/she is a horrible person (when in fact, he/she is not). The only person I can think of who might be wearing a "bad mask" is an actor who plays a villain in a movie.

Not too long ago, our local music scene welcomes a new singer who rises to stardom in a blink of an eye. Other than his charisma, many people (not for me though...) quickly become attracted to his talents (if not to him as a person) due to his humble behaviour and religious backgrounds.

And nowadays, it seems to me that all of a sudden, many other artists, especially the new ones and those who compete in singing contests, are trying (so hard) to portray the 'good and clean' image. They wish 'salam' before they perform or being interviewed and utter 'Insha' Allah' whenever they share their plans.

In a recent award show (which I watched briefly while flipping through TV channels), three presenters kept saying "Astaghfirullah" and "Masha' Allah" while talking among themselves. Not that it's a bad thing, but the scenario was rather awkward. The girls were scantily dressed, there were plenty of body contacts between the girls and the guy and if I'm not mistaken, the topic that they talked about involved gossips.

Then, during a recent nationalised interview with this one Dato' prior to his marriage to a famous singer, in my opinion, I found his humility is somewhat fake!

I'm not saying that it's wrong to be nice or trying to be good. With plenty of practice and doa', Insha' Allah we can change to become a better person whom we want to be. But then, without sincerity and by having certain agenda in mind, it will become very apparent that we are faking it, that it's just a "good mask."

However, in certain scenarios, sometimes we DO have to (force ourselves to) wear a "good mask." For example, being serious and professional in our job/career. Again, nothing wrong with that, but then, not to the extent of making other people feel obnoxious and hate your face right?

Just because you have some superiority in your position, it doesn't mean that you can look down on others very easily. Those other staff are not meant to serve you, let alone please you, especially after working hours (even if they are still around in the office during those times). Treat them well, treat them nice and respect them. DON'T EXPECT OTHER PEOPLE (SAME DEPARTMENT OR NOT) TO RESPECT YOU, IF YOU CAN'T SHOW THE SAME TO THEM!!! As Laurence Sterne once said: RESPECT FOR OURSELVES GUIDES OUR MORALS; RESPECT FOR OTHERS GUIDES OUR MANNERS. Need I say more?

So, when you put on a "good mask" today, decide whether the mask will stay on and will be a part of you for the rest of your life OR having the mask on is just another show for you.

Meantime, description of my cartoon sketch shown above: The man (whom I would like to call Onion) wears a "good mask" every now and then. The mask is 'screaming' to others, saying "Like me... I'm likable." Unfortunately, Onion has a lot to learn as he is still very much like......an Onion!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Husband of the Year

Girls imagine about it when they are young, ladies confess about it (openly or to their close friends only) when they are older. It's been said before, we've seen articles about it been published before, even movies about it have been made before - GIRLS FANTASISE ABOUT THEIR DREAM GUYS, THEIR PERFECT PARTNERS, THEIR IDEAL BOYFRIENDS/HUSBANDS.

But let's not just talk about the girls, shall we? Boys/guys do that too (having fantasies). And sometimes, there are boys/guys who take their fantasies to the next level, like having sex with prostitutes (or 'subscribing' to them... Nau'zubillah) raping women (Nau'zubillah) and/or lure their girl friends to have pre-marital sex, only to dump them after their lust and satisfaction is fulfilled or their girl friends get pregnant (Nau'zubillah).
Ok, let's not go into this rather heavy and sensitive subject. Let's talk about something else, about finding (and obtaining? hehe) the so-called ideal partners. Let's face it guys (and girls), they (the ideal partners) don't really exist; or if they do exist, there are some mismatched characters here and there, for sure. Am I correct?
But, the reason for getting married is not just to realise our imaginations. The reasons are (among many):
1. to fulfill the sunnah of Rasulullah S.A.W. (for the Muslims),
2. to increase the number of ummat Islam and ummat Muhammad S.A.W. (for the Muslims),
3. to have own zuriat (children),
4. to share your ups and downs in your life and to have someone to lean on,
5. etc. etc.

Therefore, if our partner lacks this, lacks that, we should appreciate them, instead of taking them for granted or ridicule them. They have their own strengths in their own special ways. Ponder all the good moments that you share with him/her and strive to have more of those moments. Don't use your partner's weaknesses to ignite arguments or as an excuse to find 'spare parts'? Remember, an argument can never prolong or get worse if one party keeps quiet. Let the other party continues on babbling or nagging over those (trivial) stuffs.

Ops, now I've sounded like Dr. Phil and again, have deviated from the purpose of writing this entry. Here's the thing. This question is directed especially to girls/ladies out there (married or not). Imagine that there is a trophy, a reward for the HUSBAND OF THE YEAR. Would you nominate and hope your significant other would win? What makes him special to you and make you want to 'share' him with others...telling the rest of the world that he possesses the best qualities that a woman could ask for. Are the qualities include;

1) his religious background, his knowledge about religion(s) and how he manages to steer you to the rightful path, OR

2) his sexual prowess, how he never fails to satisfy your need, your desire each time, and how he provides the 'means' for you to have and raise your own child, OR

3) his ability to fight 50 parang-wielded men single handedly (implying that he is very skillful in martial arts and in defending/protecting you), OR

4) his strength in lifting you to your apartment unit 17 floors up by taking the stairs, without breaking a sweat (or perhaps a sweat or two), OR

5) his sensitivies, his compassion, his empathy, his romantic gestures, OR

6) his well-paid job/career, his well-earned income and how he provides for you and your family, OR

7) his all-rounded abilities - from photography, to his playing skills in a ball game, or how he writes the best poem for you or makes you laugh or his science knowledge impresses you, OR

8) how he leaves his manly ego outside the door and help you out with various house chores, OR

9) all of the above? (though of course you can give your own reasons - there are many other great qualities that a man/person can possess, right?).

For the guys, you can also nominate yourself as a likely winner, and with reasons please....

P/S: To girls who are not married, just take this little 'survey' for fun ok! God knows, if the great qualities that you mention will be a doa (pray) and your wish is granted.

PP/S: I'm asking all my cousins, sister, bro-in-law, pugly, manal, mel ija, cindy, shiha to give their comments. For others, you are also more than welcomed to give your inputs :))

Friday, September 08, 2006

A dream to remind me of my granny...

I had a dream that I met with my grandmother, Allahyarhamah Asmah Bte Hj. Salleh whom I fondly called Atok and passed away to Rahmatullah on Friday, 14 April 2000. In the dream, we had a brief conversation. She said, "Nizar, nanti anak dah lahir, jangan lupa beritahu atok." Then, I replied, "Ya Atok. Atok pun, kalau Atok mati, beritahulah Nizar ya....."

Sob....sob.... I had to take a moment after I woke up from the dream, feeling overwhelmed by it.

Read all about my Atok and her final moments at http://boulevard25.blogspot.com/2005/04/i-miss-u-granny.html or http://members.fortunecity.com/abdunmy/myself.htm.

P/S: The English translation of our conversation in the dream:

Atok: Nizar, when the baby is born, don't forget to let me know.
Me: Yes Atok. As for you, if you die, do let me know too, ok....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Making rooms

Last Saturday (2nd September 2006), as I was driving home with my wife after some shopping, all of a sudden I was thinking that 10 years from now, if I'm still well and healthy (Insha' Allah), I might be driving the same route going home, after picking up our child (or children) from school or tuition.

Then, later that evening, it occured to me to rearrange the clothes stacked in our wardrobe. The purpose? So that I could leave some rooms in the wardrobe. The reason for wanting some rooms? So that our baby's clothes, baby's diapers etc etc can be put there.

My wife was tickled when she found out the reason for my action (rearranging clothes). First of all, she had only entered her ninth week of pregnancy. Therefore, it would be months away before our first child enters our lives. Furthermore, we would almost certainly need a separate (maybe smaller) wardrobe for our baby's clothings and stuffs. Our wardrobe space won't be able to cater for that for sure...

However, my wife was also touched by my gestures and thoughts. She knew I was eager, that I longed for that moment (the birth) to come... That I couldn't wait to be a father....

Having posted this message, I guess it's known now that WE ARE expecting our first child (I think news this good, shouldn't be kept a secret for so long, provided that the conscience is clear and there is no intention to boast whatsoever).

My fellow friends, please pray for the safety of the child and the mother throughout the months of pregnancy, during the period of delivery and during the times of raising this child to become a HUMAN BEING. And you can pray for the father too, of course... :)) Thank you.

P/S: A relative said to me that the BABY in the family is soon going to have a BABY. Haha, I guess in a matter of months, my wife would be so busy attending to two babies :))

Merdeka Sketches (updated - drawing of the flag and a dept photo are included)

Last 31 August was Malaysia's Independence Day and a holiday. And two days before that, the company held a Merdeka High-Tea (Merdeka is Malay for Freedom). In conjunction with the high tea, we also held a few competitions which included Drawing and Colouring contest, Best Merdeka Decoration contest among departments, Best Dressed (one contestant representing each department) and poetry recitals. Quite patriotic don't you agree? :)

I entered the first contest, drawing a Malaysian flag in a rather creative shape. But another person whose flag is the usual square one and nothing to shout about with regard to her colouring skills won the contest (I think the votes were biased, hehe). I also contributed some cartoon sketches in decorating the department. The sketches, drawn on hard papers were pasted on walls together with other decorations/cartoons prepared by colleagues.

I don't intend to claim copyright for my sketches EXCEPT for the first three which purely came from my imagination. The remaining seven were drawn based on pictures and drawings. Since they (the copied ones) were just used internally in our office and I obviously won't reap any profits by publishing them in this blog, I hope the original artists are not going to sue me or anything...sigh! For acknowledgement sake, I hereby list down where the sketches 4 to 10 were based from:

Cartoon 4 - based on a photo from http://naqbi.freeservers.com/photo.html. The same photo is used in my 21st August 2006 entry;

Cartoon 5 - based on Doraemon character;

Cartoon 6 - based on King Kong;

Cartoon 7 - based on Bart of The Simpsons;

Cartoon 8 - based on Superman;

Cartoon 9 - based on Spiderman;

Cartoon 10 - based on Wolverine of X-Men.

P/S: In case anyone wonders, what shape does the flag represent? Actually, I was aiming to draw it to look like a dolphin (some kind of dolphin huh?) But then, oopss, the result looks more like the bones of a dolphin or a dolphin shattered to pieces? Hehe... Some also says it looks like a banana leaf and there are those who opine that it looks more like a shredded flag. Oh brother, that was never in my mind - to disgrace my own flag and own country? Never ever...sigh...

PP/S: For those who have not seen me for a while, here's a latest photo of me. Well, I've grown :))) The photo was taken by our talented artist cum photographer, Andrew (squatting behind me).

God... help us....

It was all in the news.... about a weak ago, our Prime Minister finally showed his firm stand, Agong's firm stand and the government's firm stand with regard to IFC and Article 11.

Here are some excerpts taken from The Sun newspaper:

1. There is no move to abolish or amend Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution. The government was of the view that the provisions of the article "are quite clear when it comes to the division of power and responsibility between the civil and syariah courts."

The position of Islam as the official religion is guaranteed by the constitution and nobody could question it. At the same time, the government would not allow any action by any quarter which could threaten the issue of freedom of religion as it is guaranteed by Article 11 if the Federal Constitution. Thus, the government is of the view that there is no necessity for any body to be formed to discuss religious matters, such as groups Interfaith Council or Article 11.

There is already a mechanism to conduct discussions between religions. The government at various levels, including the Prime Minister himself, regularly holds dialogues and discussions with various religious communities from time to time, whether it is open or behind closed doors. Article 11 is not in conflict with the principles of Islam. However, it is also subjected to certain conditions such as not allowing for the spread of other religions to Muslims. Although the citizens have freedom to discuss current issues, this freedom could not be extended to issues which have the potential to create religious tension. Discussions on issues such as Article 11 have created controversies which, if allowed to continue, will lead to more negative rahter than positive developments.

2. The Internal Security Ministry has warned it would act against those who provoke religious sensitivities to the extent of threatening national security. Actions that provoke Muslims' sensitivities to the extent of disturbing the peace are in conflict of the Constitution.

WITH THAT, I REST MY CASE............. Alhamdulillah (though much work still needs to be done in securing and protecting the faith of future generations).