'Should I eat this blondie...?' Kong ponders (spoilers are very much included) - Further Updated In Red Colour & Elsewhere

The original 1933 movie of the same name became one of the top moneymakers of the 1930's. It starred Fay Wray whose death in 2004 (age 96), the Empire State Building dimmed its lights in her memory.
For Mr. Jackson's movie, we see the ever-so-beautiful Naomi Watts playing Ann Darrow, Jack Black (Carl Denham), Adrien Brody (Jack Driscoll), Thomas Kretschmann (Captain Englehorn), Colin Hanks son of Tom Hanks (Preston), Andy Serkis (Kong/Lumpy), Jamie Bell of Billy Elliot (Jimmy), Evan Dexter Parke (Hayes) and Kyle Chandler of TV series Early Edition (Bruce Baxter).
The story is set during the depression era in New York. According the Mr. Jackson, if the story is set during modern days, Kong won't stand a chance against our fighter jets.
Ann Darrow, a stage actress who knows best how to make people laugh, is one of those New Yorkers with holes in their pockets, struggles to earn a living. She seeks desperately for a part to play in a Jack Driscoll's movie - a part that she knows backwards. Unfortunately, the part has been given to someone else.
But on the day she is refused the part, the day when she thinks all doors are closed and the day when (without knowing) she is about to be a part of a monstrous adventure, an acquaintance tells her, "You're not bad looking. A girl like you doesn't need to starve." The man gives her an address, where she can work temporarily, but warns "...and forget you was ever there."
So, she sets on to find the address, only to cross path with Carl Denham. Carl is a 'self-promoter' film director who has made many near-success movies, whose latest project is about to be scrapped off, partly due to not enough funding, and also because he wants to venture out finding an uncharted island and film his movie there.
Upon finding out the news about the fate of his film, he illegally takes his film equipment and crew on board a ship, whose Capt. Englehorn is the skipper. Among the film crew is Preston, his right-hand man; Jack Driscoll, a writer whose passion lies in the theater but Carl thinks movie business is where Jack belongs and Bruce Baxter, the film hero.
But one person is missing, i.e. the lead actress. Without her, his movie is nothing. The actress who was originally hired has pulled out after finding out that Carl is not filming in Singapore, but on an island, 'a place that was thought to exist, only a myth'.
Therefore, Carl has to find a replacement (who happens to be size 4) and he has to do this quick. He knows that 'somewhere out there is a woman born to play this role, a woman who will journey into the heart of the unknown, towards a fateful meaning, that changes everything'. And the minute he sees Ann, he knows that the part is meant for her (also, partly because he's desperate to find a leading lady hehe).
At first, Ann is reluctant to take the offer (because she makes people laugh, not weep). But the moment she hears Jack Driscoll's name, she immediately agrees (she's a big fan of Driscoll's work).
See how Ann makes a fool of herself when she mistakenly thinks a sound recordist as Jack. Also, the underlying feelings and the chemistry that is developing between Ann and Jack. Jack is also writing a play, a comedy for Ann, for the reason - "Isn't it obvious?"
On board the Ventura ship, the skipper has dozens of other crews. Among them are Lumpy the Cook played by Andy Serkis (who also plays Kong and Gollum in the LOTR, in case you don't know); Jimmy, a young drifter who never speaks of where he came from. Jimmy was found by Hayes (his god-brother, sort of) when he was hiding inside one of the cages in the ship. The thing is, skipper keeps cages and many bottles of chloroform in his ship. Skipper is really good at capturing animals and makes good money selling live animals to zoos and circus.
Upon receiving a Morse code that Carl is wanted by the police, Capt. Englehorn has been ordered to bring Carl to Rangoon. Although Carl begs him to let him finish his movie, Capt. refuses to accept, saying, "No Mr Denham, you risk everything I have."
Just as the ship makes its turn, it is engulfed by thick white fog. There are no stars that night and the compass is 'acting' funny. The Capt. navigates blindly for a while until Jimmy screams "Walll!!! There's a wall...straight ahead".
So many rocks hinder their navigation. One big wave causes the ship to be stranded against a big rock. Not far from them, they can see an island surrounded by walls a few feet high, "nobody knows who built it, still strong today as it was many years ago."
While the ship is being repaired, Jack and his crew foolishly go to the island. Upon reaching there, just outside the wall, they see skulls and human skeletal remains (it's like a burial ground). Some skeletons are also found in other areas, with cloths covering their eye sockets and in tied-up positions. I guess those are the people who have been punished via means of prosecutions.
Carl thinks nobody is there anymore because the place is a ruin. Until one native girl surprises them, followed by many more violent-looking native men. The sound recordist is the first character to die. An old native witch curses Ann with some spells (as Ann can still hear the 'mantra' later that night, echoes silently in her head). The scream from Ann during the attack is anwered by a roar, that echoes LOUDLY from the thick jungle, from the other side of the wall.
The Capt. and his man come to the rescue. The ship is finally repaired. Anything not bolted to the ship (except for potatoes) is thrown to the sea, to make the ship weigh lighter. Everyone is so busy wanting to leave the island quickly, they have not realised that Ann has been taken. Loud drums and huge fire displays from the island indicate that Ann is needed for some rituals or something. The captain has no choice but to turn back.
Ann is being offered to a beast. Scream Ann, scream for your life! As Kong sees her, he plays around with her hair a little bit. Kong must be thinking, 'Hmm.. white skin, blonde hair, nice smell... totally different from the usual girls I had before.'
The ship crew arrives, now armed with loads of guns. Kong feels threatened and immediately grabs Ann away. Upon reaching his feeding ground, Kong shakes Ann up and down like a Barbie doll, probably contemplating, 'Should I eat this blondie? I haven't had meat for a long time. All I get to eat is some bamboo sticks.'
Trailing close behind is Carl, Jack and other men. Kong flees away. As he runs, see how he loosens his grip, as though trying to make Ann feels comfortable. I guess this is the time when Kong decides, 'I shall keep this blondie alive for companionship. After all, I'm the final species left on this island, and perhaps the world. I'm lonely and haven't had a friend for a long time. All I have at my lair is some bones of my dead relatives and those fierce looking bats, accompanying me at nights.'
Ann learns that she's not going to be Kong's next meal when during their first 'fight' together, Kong hits everything else around them, except her - the ground, trees, rocks. But during their brief separation, Ann chooses to escape, not knowing what other nasty things await her on that island.
If the island has giant walls and a giant ape (luckily not giant tribe people), 'logically' surely other animals are also bigger in sizes. But these are no ordinary animals, because dinosaurs are still very much alive on the island, thriving and roaming free.
There are some of us, who thinks that Kong movie is a Jurassic Park rip-off. For those who have watched or at least know the history behind the 1930's Kong, they would know that there were dinosaurs in the original King Kong. As a matter of fact, Jurassic Park was actually inspired by the original King Kong. Spielberg has even said this a number of times.
Therefore, Peter Jackson is just repeating the history here, with modifications of course, making the dinosaurs and Kong more realistic. Thanks to the advancement in special effects technology, Jackson and his team not only able to create dinosaurs and Kong, but also humongous creepy crawlies and creatures of the swamp/pit/lair.
Only a few among those who join Jack in the quest for finding Miss Darrow survives. They not only need to avoid from being crushed to death during the BRONTOSAURS stampede, but also from being eaten by meat eater CARNOTAURS. Apart from that, the deadly encounter with Kong, and the fall into the deep pit where all sorts of insects, swamp creatures, crabs are attacking them from all corners. Pay special attention to wetas, the insects that attack Jack. It was based on this insect, that Peter Jackson came up with the name Weta Workshop (the company that does CGI work for Kong and LOTR).
The ordeal that Ann has to face is also big in magnitude. Forget about the mostly-fake-and-staged fights you see in wrestling. In Kong, there is a 'real' and 'true' fight that we should be cheering for - the fights between Kong and three V-Rexes. It's totally jaw-dropping (in terms of superbly real special effects), jaw clenching (hear the realistic 'tok' sound everytime V-Rexes try to snap Ann away from Kong's hands using their jaws) and jaw breaking (literally, one V-Rex has its jaw ripped apart at the hinge by Kong. Sadist, brutal, it will make you cringe and at the same time you will think to yourself - cool...).
Hurt, bleeding and tired, Kong tries to ignore Ann, showing his remorse that Ann tries to run away. There are plenty of funny and moving scenes between Ann and Kong, and considering there is hardly a 2-way conversation involved, I must say 'brilliantly directed!'
Back at Kong's lair. It's almost sunset. Thinking that maybe Kong still ignores her, she tries to make amends by juggling stones. But it turns out, Kong is actually admiring the view and the sun setting in. She says, "Beautiful.." (referring to the view). Then she places her hand to her chest and repeats, "Beautiful..". Naomi Watts does this so splendidly. It is apparent to her face, that Ann is finally figuring out the reason Kong didn't consume her earlier. Kong must have seen her as a beautiful lady. Well, luckily she IS pretty, otherwise I would say, 'Don't flatter yourself, girl!' Hehe...
Jack goes a separate way from his group. The others wait for him and Ann at the gate (while some guard the ship). When Jack reaches Kong's lair that night, Ann is fast asleep in the palm of Kong's hand. She then awakens, and frowns a bit. There is complexity and confusion that shines from Ann's expression. She is not as delighted as she should be when she sees Jack in front of her. Perhaps she no longer wants to be found and rescued.
I somewhat enjoy this particular scene. Ann looks very white and bright. She's in Kong's palm, her left hand reaching out to Jack while we can see Kong's face in the background. The whole atmosphere colour is rather black and white. The scene really looks like it is an oldie movie - very CLASSIC!
Ann must be silently thinking, 'Oh, why do you come Jack? I don't need your rescue anymore. I'm much safer with Kong, who battles carnivours with his bare hands, compared to you, who is rather scrawny by comparison. After all, I have nothing to go back to. New York is still in depression era, Carl's movie must have gone bust by now, I have no family, no friends, no career, no money... Do you want me to carry on bickering, Jack?'
Jack manages to 'rescue' Ann with the help of some bats. Kong is hot on his heels. Without him knowing, Carl, the Captain and others are preparing to capture Kong alive at the gate. A few more lost their lives, before Kong falls unconscious (due to sniffing too much chloroform). Carl's plan - to bring Kong back to New York, and cash in on the tagline "Kong - the 8th wonder of the world." After all, his movie is finished. So, he'd better come out with a contingency plan.
Ok, let's not go into logic. Because otherwise, you must be thinking, 'How can they carry Kong on board the rather small ship, with Kong's sheer size and many of the crew are dead (thus, less man power to do the lifting). Also, how much chloroform do they need to use to keep Kong asleep considering the distance they need to travel. Further, surely they don't have the right ropes or chains of the right sizes to tie up Kong, since obviously those need to be custom-made.' That's the thing about movies, they sometimes defy logic, and yet, still manage to entertain us all... Because movies let us escape from the harsh reality of the world.
Back in NY, Carl proudly displays Kong "for the price of an admission ticket." As he opens the ceremony, he says, "17 men suffered horrific deaths, in pursuit of a savage beast. But the beast is tamed by a girl, a girl from New York," followed by a round of applause from the audience. Then, Carl quoted an old Arabian Proverb, "And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And it stayed its hands from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead."
As suspected, Kong wreaks havoc in NY, looking for his girl (Ann refuses to be a part of the freak show). Upon finding her, so much destruction has been caused by Kong and more deaths. For that, the military is hunting him down (not that difficult to do so) to kill him.
As for Kong, just because he's very big and hairy, roars louder than the biggest lion and has killed many people (unfortunately), it doesn't mean that he should be eliminated. It's just that he's been misunderstood. Underneath that intimidating exterior, Kong is actually a gentle giant, who longs for a place in the world, with the person (Ann) he truly cares about.
At the top of the Empire State Building, Kong battles a few fighter airplanes and succeeds in bringing three down (Not Bad!). But he is so badly wounded after being shot a number of times. In one scene, Kong sees Ann climbs up to the roof of the building and looks away. Not hating her, but somehow Kong must be thinking, 'I'm spent. This girl has caused me so much pain. Humans from her place are mean to me. I should have eaten her when I had the chance. And wait…, yep, still haven't got a decent meat for a long time…' Hehe…
KONG’S DEATH SCENE IS VERY HEART-BREAKING; IT CAN PROBABLY BRING TEARS TO YOUR EYES. Ann touches his face for the last time, crying in front of him. Then a few more fatal shots hit Kong’s back and the back of his head. Ann cries harder. She sees no more life coming from Kong’s big black eyes now. Kong falls down to the streets below.
Absolutely devastated, Ann looks down. Then she hears a familiar voice calling for her "Ann...Ann...." It’s Jack. She runs towards him and hugs him in tears…
People start to crowd around Kong’s lifeless body. As a reporter says, “What does it matter, the airplanes got him.” Then Carl appears and says, “No, it was beauty that killed the beast.”
Watch how Peter Jackson intelligently captures scenes from other movies and assimilate them into King Kong (not sure whether it was intentional or just plain coincidences). Here are examples:
1) Titanic
- there are dolphins which accompany the ship’s voyage
- scenes showing how the mechanisms of the ship work
- Jack and Ann look on as the ship almost hits a big rock (Rose and Jack witness the iceberg that the liner has hit)
- Ann cries as Kong falls to the ground (Rose cries as Jack sinks further into the sea)
2) Godzilla
Kong is trailing closely behind as Jack drives through the streets of NY (Godzilla chases the taxi as characters flee for their lives)
Basically, what Screen Review says about King Kong is absolutely correct: Jurassic Park, War of the Worlds, Jaws, E.T., and Raiders of the Lost Ark all rolled into one mammoth, three hour roller coaster ride.
Other reviews on King Kong;
The jaw-dropping, eye-popping, heart-stopping movie epic we’ve been waiting for all year – Peter Travers, Rolling Stones.
King Kong vs. T-Rex battle – one for the ages. Enormously impressive visual effects. Brontosaurus stampede, giant centipedes, three T-Rexes, giant insects and arachnids – guaranteed to thrill. – Variety. (I believe it's V-Rex, not T-Rex though...)
The music score for the movie is so tempting and melodramatic, especially the parts when (i) Kong and Ann see the sunset from Kong's lair, (ii) when Ann cries as Kong falls to his knees after Carl knocks Kong unconscious with a bottle of chloroform, (iii) when Ann locks eye with Jack during one of her (crying) shooting takes, (vi) the moment when Ann sees Jack as she awakens from her sleep and still in the comfort of Kong's palm, (v) when Kong 'skates' with Ann at Central Park and (vi) Kong's death scene.
Meantime, for those fans who wish to do some further reading on all things King Kong, here are some books:
1. King Kong: The Island of Skull - prequel to the movie, features some back stories and stories on several characters.
2. King Kong: The Official Novelisation - One of the better movie novelisations in the market.
3. The World of Kong - A Natural Histrory of Skull Island (hardcover) - A superb collection of natural history of the island, and what inhibits the place. The drawings are very detailed and nicely drawn, right down to the dinosaurs' and Kong's skeletal structure. A collector's item, if only the price in Malaysia is not that steep.
In case you are wondering how come I manage to take you (almost) scene by scene in King Kong, let's just say I've watched the movie enough times, to know it backwards hehe. But NO pirated DVD is involved, ok?
By the way, for those fellow Malaysians who for some reason haven't watched the movie (or want to see it again), go catch it at IMAX, the biggest screen in South East Asia. Totally breath taking experience and the sound effects can be enjoyed to the fullest.
© Copyright Abdun N.A. - Malaysia 2006; No part of this article (especially the idea of the review, the creative and the juicy part) can be reproduced in whatever form.
P/S: Information is correct (or at least that's what I believe so) at the time of writing this entry. Any incorrect spelling of any names (in particular the dinasours) or inaccurate facts of any kind comes solely from my own mistake as a human being, and therefore, I apologise. But you can always correct me, of course :))
Read on: My feelings as the wedding date comes closer; how I was willing to let everything go and everyone behind just so that I could share the pains of other people; more movie reviews; my 'rejected' article on Top 10 movie taglines; my views on us humans and why Without A Trace is such a TV hit (and my favourite).
Labels: Life, Movie Reviews
This is the BEST review on KING KONG ever!!!!!! I especially enjoy the part when you interpret what the characters must be thinking, should this is real life... Cool and creative...
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