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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Of tongue and mouth.. Part 2

Of Tongue And Voice - Click here for funny video clips

I read from one reliable Internet source that individual children start developing at very different rates, i.e. they develop and learn at their own pace. In other words, as long as your baby is making steady progress, there's nothing to worry about. In fact, if anybody says otherwise, the website suggests responding back by saying that Einstein didn't talk until he was four years old :-)

The same applies to our kiddo Ikhwan. He masters his crawling skill quite later than one or two other babies of the same age, whose parents we know. But Ikhwan already has 8 teeth (as of today), compared to one other baby who still doesn't have any.

Put two guardians together and we have different patterns of how they they talk about their respective babies. Sooner or later they're bound to start comparing their babies' accomplishments, as though it were a contest (some doctors call such a 'competition' the Baby Olympics).

Speaking of comparison, here's an interesting one. I observe how differently two male guardians talk about their babies compared to when two female guardians are doing the same. The example here is just based on my own personal experience only, so DON'T take this as something that represents typical behaviours among any gender whatsoever.

Conversation between two male guardians:
Male 1: How are you and how's your daughter? What's her latest development?
Male 2: She already knows how to crawl and is learning to stand up by grabbing on to us or to a nearby furniture.
Male 1: Oh really, that's fast coz my son is hardly lying down on his tummy. He'd quickly flip over to lie on his back... guess that's because his skeletal frame is rather big, he gets tired easily. How many teeth does she have already?
Male 2: None, yours?
Male 1: The fourth one is starting to form...
Male 2: Is it true that babies will be down with fever everytime a new tooth is forming...?
Male 1: Not necessary, I mean that didn't happen to our baby. It's not that he fell sick everytime...

Conversation between two female guardians (the females here are not necessarily someone I know, ok! :-p):
Female 1: The other day, my niece called me up. She is such a cute girl, so talkative now that she knows more vocabularies than before and knows how to call me... (conversation interrupted)
Female 2: Wait till you hear my niece's voice. Hearing her voice can make you feel like you want to go over to her place and squeeze her cheeks... (again, conversation interrupted)
Female 1: Can you believe she asked me to go to the zoo, I mean how was that possible? I was at the office and her house is way over there, the other side of the city... (talking very fast, now gasping for air)
Female 2: I actually took my niece to that Aquaria last weekend. It was a blast and she enjoyed seeing those fishes very much. Maybe I'll take her to the zoo next time... (beaming with pride)

Hmmmm.... I wonder, who's winning here... heehehehe..

Anyway back to the topic. For babies to develop, it is common for them to explore and immitate. In fact, imitation and repetition are key ingredients in early brain development.
They discover the use of their hands and fingers; try to mimic our facial expressions and words; finding everything as fascinating - from the wheels of the stroller, the mats, the cabinets and drawers, the ointment bottles... there's just so many things to explore, feel, bang together and bite on huh? :-)

My son is no exception - he is such a natural explorer and a good immitator, for a good cause of course. At times, whenever he's exploring something like playing with his toys or looking out the car window, I like to look at things from his point of view as well.

There was a day when Ikhwan, who was in his car seat, was focusing intently to a particular object. When I bent down, I realised he was looking at the traffic light. He must have seen how the traffic light changed from yellow to red. Upon realising my face was on the same level as his, immediately he said "Ohhh...", probably trying to tell me "The colors are the same like in the book you read to me last night" (or perhaps he was saying "Don't sit too close"? Haha).

Ikhwan has started exploring to use his mouth and tongue (for playing) since a few months ago. He can intelligently create some funny and weird sounds by 'manipulating' his tongue. Only until recently, did I manage to record such moments. This video made my wife and I smiled. But what really made me laugh was the voice of my wife in the background. It sounded really funny (to me at least, I mean she was a bit embarassed upon hearing it).

With the election in Malaysia is just around the corner, I feel like voting for whose voice sounds funnier. Hmmmm... for this case, I think I'd go for my wife's voice (sorry Ikhwan). But I'd still definitely vote for Ikhwan for being the main attention grabber (sorry Ayang, you are a different kind of attention grabber laaa, haha)... Hope you guys enjoy the video!!!

P/S: Speaking of the election (this coming 8th of March), who do you vote for, my fellow Malaysians? The ruling party seems to be trying so hard, with airing all those lengthy commercials on tv and radio. Enough is enough already. I mean haven't they heard, the harder you try, if you fall, the harder (I sure hope so) it must be. They (the commercials) are really starting to make me sick, literally... I wonder whose money did they spend on making those useless commercials and paying for so much airtime huh? Well, upon saying this, guess you know who I'll be voting for!!!!

PP/S: Speaking of tv commercials, currently, my son is sooo into that latest Nokia N82 (Storytelling) ad. He'd stop immediately from whatever he is doing at that time and stay glued to the screen during those few seconds. Only after the ad has finished, would he resume his earlier activities (yes, it can be a number of activities, hehe). I wonder what makes the ad so interesting to him...

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At Tuesday, 11 March, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your baby is sooo cute, and his cheeks.... eeiii, geram. Now I sound like one of those females huh, ;ppp


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