God... help us....
It was all in the news.... about a weak ago, our Prime Minister finally showed his firm stand, Agong's firm stand and the government's firm stand with regard to IFC and Article 11.Here are some excerpts taken from The Sun newspaper:
1. There is no move to abolish or amend Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution. The government was of the view that the provisions of the article "are quite clear when it comes to the division of power and responsibility between the civil and syariah courts."
The position of Islam as the official religion is guaranteed by the constitution and nobody could question it. At the same time, the government would not allow any action by any quarter which could threaten the issue of freedom of religion as it is guaranteed by Article 11 if the Federal Constitution. Thus, the government is of the view that there is no necessity for any body to be formed to discuss religious matters, such as groups Interfaith Council or Article 11.
There is already a mechanism to conduct discussions between religions. The government at various levels, including the Prime Minister himself, regularly holds dialogues and discussions with various religious communities from time to time, whether it is open or behind closed doors. Article 11 is not in conflict with the principles of Islam. However, it is also subjected to certain conditions such as not allowing for the spread of other religions to Muslims. Although the citizens have freedom to discuss current issues, this freedom could not be extended to issues which have the potential to create religious tension. Discussions on issues such as Article 11 have created controversies which, if allowed to continue, will lead to more negative rahter than positive developments.
2. The Internal Security Ministry has warned it would act against those who provoke religious sensitivities to the extent of threatening national security. Actions that provoke Muslims' sensitivities to the extent of disturbing the peace are in conflict of the Constitution.
WITH THAT, I REST MY CASE............. Alhamdulillah (though much work still needs to be done in securing and protecting the faith of future generations).
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