A tribute to big baby boys
I remember that particular day, as I turned the pages of a book, I told him names of farm animals. He tried to follow, but all came out wrongly. So, instead of 'cat', 'hen', 'goat' and 'cow', he said 'aah', 'ooohh', 'eeeee' and another 'aah'.
When I taught him to say 'ba', 'na', 'na' one by one - he managed to follow each one exactly. But when I said the whole word 'banana' - he couldn't. It was still a three-syllable word, but sounded nothing like 'banana'... so funny!
See this video from an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond (I just love this sitcom, my wife and I could very much relate to the show - too bad it has ended).

They say, men are generally less mature or late to mature compared to women. Put a man and a woman of the same age in the same room, chances are the woman is much more mature in her thinking and behaviours than the man.
Why is this so? Is it because men are more vulnerable to mid-life crisis, or feeling insecure, or it's their issues with parents, or their constant need for attention and affection (which can be from their parents or their wives), or men have issues of letting go (of their comics, toys, etc, hehehee)?
Perhaps female readers of this blog can give their insights. Have the men in your lives ever acted so immature before? If yes, why or what prompted them to act that way?
As for me, until today, I just love cartoons and toys, and act childish and cheeky (ok, the latter may only occur at certain times and towards certain people only). As George Costanza had said in an episode of Seinfeld, "I always see myself as a younger brother, eager to learn more".
Whenever I buy new toys or children books for Ikhwan, sometimes I wonder whether am I actually feeding my own excitement towards those things, although of course, those things would become Ikhwan's stuffs once I brought them home (but I can still play them with him what? hahahahahaha). Heck, I have two adult sized Spider-man T-shirts which I wear even when I go out with my family.
Now, back to our little Ikhwan. He is still immature of course - but what do you expect from a 2 year old? Haha... But lately, he sure is developing very fast. He's like a sponge - absorbing almost eveything that he sees/hears other people say and do.
He respects the elders when he shakes his hands with them, he waves goodbye like a grown up, he knows how to blow his kisses (sometimes using his both hands and says 'muaahhh'), helps his Ibu make the bed sometimes, pretends like he were sweeping the floor, cleans up his toys and puts them back into his toy chest (he now have two toy chests - each packed with different toys of different kinds, we basically let him play with different ones every few days), knows how to roll and kick a ball back and forth with me, performs 'wheely' while riding on his bikes (he has two bikes and one car - all are gifts from his grannies and tok's) and loves talking on the phone, whether really talking to someone or just imagining (his imaginary phone could be something as small as a piece of paper the size of his thumb - the smallest phone in the world indeed - he even passed it around for us talk to his 'phone').
Ikhwan loves the wirid and doa' aired over Astro Oasis. Almost everyday without fail, he is glued in front of the t.v. to watch (and at the same time listen) to that channel. He follows us when we perform our prayers and knows how to stand (with his arms placed on his tummy) and sujud in prayers. He also understands that everytime after adzan (the call for prayers for the Muslims) concludes (whether he heard it from t.v. or from the nearby mosque or when I was the one who adzan), there is a doa' after adzan. He would raise his two hands up, while listening to me/wife reciting the doa'.
That day, after I finished my adzan in the house, he immediately squatted with his arms raised. At first I was wondering why did he squat. Then I realised I too was squatting. All this while, I was squatting so that my eyes would be almost on the same level as his, so that he wouldn't have to look up while I was reciting the doa'. Little did I expect that he'd follow exactly what I did. So cute huh?
During dinner a couple of nights ago, while biting on a chicken bone, I twirled it at the same time. Immediately, he twirled the small piece of chicken meat that he had on his hand the same way.
Those are just some of the things he copied and did. Well, that's our boy! :-)) Meantime, here's a video of him, taken a few months ago...
P/S: 29 January - our 3rd wedding anniversary. This year, we didn't take a day off to celebrate, because we kinda' already celebrated it in advanced last weekend, also in conjunction with wife's birthday.
Labels: Islam, Life, My Children, My Families, My Videos, Parental, Reading, Toys, TV shows, Video clip
Salam bro...
happy anniversary to both of you...
reading this entry about ikhwan, brings me down to the memory lane when my boys learned to speak and imitate most of our actions when they were at ikhwan's age...
this will be something you love to remember... my youngest had a disoriented pronunciation... geli (when we tickled him) is pronounced 'gile' so you can imagine the fun part when we tickled him and he laughed and said..gile, gile..gile...
you take care and stay close to your precious ones ok?
Salam Kak Raden,
tq for the wishes...
it's good to hear from you.
Oh yes, already... he has given us so much memories for us to ponder in years to come.
Hahaha... gile eh? Luckily he didn't mix up mental people as geli?
Sure, you take care too.. Insha' Allah, I'll stay close to my precious ones...
Oh yes!!! My husb acts immature ALL the time! Hahaha...but not in an annoying way la..he makes stupid jokes and im talking really really lawak bodoh here okay! To me it's endearing :)
Oh ya, Happy Anniversary to you and wifey :))
Hehehe... in a way, is he like Chandler in Friends? Another child like character from the series.
It's ok to be immature once in a while but when situations warrant us to grow up and step up, then we can leave that child in us behind, at least for a while and start acting and thinking like an adult. Betul tak?
Thanx for the anniversary wish!
I wonder if Hiro Nakamura is jumping, the way Jack jumped in the movie poster? :))
Last night my Cik Abang did a very childish act, I disturbed him when he was watching CSI, so...in the act of suap maruku to me, he sajer-sajer tumpahkan on me...sepah-sepah everywhere..so...he is very childish when it comes to watching TV, his favorite pastime.
No... for Hiro, he'd normally just got up from his seat and shouted, or he ran a little bit, then shouted.."I did it" He never actually jumped while doing this.
He did, did he huh Bella...? That was rather childish of him, hehee...
I bet you also enjoyed him acting like that once in a while, correct? In the name of 'bermanja-manjaan, bermesra-mesraan' lah katakan? Hahhaha..
First and foremost, I like Everybody Loves Raymond as well, next to Friends. Being married with kids I guess, I can relate to the show. Secondly, YES men do act childish sometimes, especially where their ego is concerned. Trust me.. it's tiring.. and thirdly, Ikhwan's already two? Wow.. that's fast, kan. We just don't realise it. So when's number two coming?
yeah, Ikhwan is going to be 2 this 1st of April... no. 2, hmmm... hard to say, too much going on and about to happen... just wait and see :)))
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