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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Husband of the Year

Girls imagine about it when they are young, ladies confess about it (openly or to their close friends only) when they are older. It's been said before, we've seen articles about it been published before, even movies about it have been made before - GIRLS FANTASISE ABOUT THEIR DREAM GUYS, THEIR PERFECT PARTNERS, THEIR IDEAL BOYFRIENDS/HUSBANDS.

But let's not just talk about the girls, shall we? Boys/guys do that too (having fantasies). And sometimes, there are boys/guys who take their fantasies to the next level, like having sex with prostitutes (or 'subscribing' to them... Nau'zubillah) raping women (Nau'zubillah) and/or lure their girl friends to have pre-marital sex, only to dump them after their lust and satisfaction is fulfilled or their girl friends get pregnant (Nau'zubillah).
Ok, let's not go into this rather heavy and sensitive subject. Let's talk about something else, about finding (and obtaining? hehe) the so-called ideal partners. Let's face it guys (and girls), they (the ideal partners) don't really exist; or if they do exist, there are some mismatched characters here and there, for sure. Am I correct?
But, the reason for getting married is not just to realise our imaginations. The reasons are (among many):
1. to fulfill the sunnah of Rasulullah S.A.W. (for the Muslims),
2. to increase the number of ummat Islam and ummat Muhammad S.A.W. (for the Muslims),
3. to have own zuriat (children),
4. to share your ups and downs in your life and to have someone to lean on,
5. etc. etc.

Therefore, if our partner lacks this, lacks that, we should appreciate them, instead of taking them for granted or ridicule them. They have their own strengths in their own special ways. Ponder all the good moments that you share with him/her and strive to have more of those moments. Don't use your partner's weaknesses to ignite arguments or as an excuse to find 'spare parts'? Remember, an argument can never prolong or get worse if one party keeps quiet. Let the other party continues on babbling or nagging over those (trivial) stuffs.

Ops, now I've sounded like Dr. Phil and again, have deviated from the purpose of writing this entry. Here's the thing. This question is directed especially to girls/ladies out there (married or not). Imagine that there is a trophy, a reward for the HUSBAND OF THE YEAR. Would you nominate and hope your significant other would win? What makes him special to you and make you want to 'share' him with others...telling the rest of the world that he possesses the best qualities that a woman could ask for. Are the qualities include;

1) his religious background, his knowledge about religion(s) and how he manages to steer you to the rightful path, OR

2) his sexual prowess, how he never fails to satisfy your need, your desire each time, and how he provides the 'means' for you to have and raise your own child, OR

3) his ability to fight 50 parang-wielded men single handedly (implying that he is very skillful in martial arts and in defending/protecting you), OR

4) his strength in lifting you to your apartment unit 17 floors up by taking the stairs, without breaking a sweat (or perhaps a sweat or two), OR

5) his sensitivies, his compassion, his empathy, his romantic gestures, OR

6) his well-paid job/career, his well-earned income and how he provides for you and your family, OR

7) his all-rounded abilities - from photography, to his playing skills in a ball game, or how he writes the best poem for you or makes you laugh or his science knowledge impresses you, OR

8) how he leaves his manly ego outside the door and help you out with various house chores, OR

9) all of the above? (though of course you can give your own reasons - there are many other great qualities that a man/person can possess, right?).

For the guys, you can also nominate yourself as a likely winner, and with reasons please....

P/S: To girls who are not married, just take this little 'survey' for fun ok! God knows, if the great qualities that you mention will be a doa (pray) and your wish is granted.

PP/S: I'm asking all my cousins, sister, bro-in-law, pugly, manal, mel ija, cindy, shiha to give their comments. For others, you are also more than welcomed to give your inputs :))


At Thursday, 14 September, 2006, Blogger Mel Ija said...

Every girl fantasizes about the man that they ought to date. But in reality, it is very rare for this girl to actually hook herself up with that man. If she manages to do so, then I would say that she's one VERY lucky girl. In reality, we always get a less perfect partner, who may lack in certain aspects of his characteristics, but make up in others.

Just to share an experience, I used to have a few sets of criteria when choosing a boyfriend / husband. I want him to be tough with a body to die for (all girls LOVE men with great bodies - not arnold type you know, maybe a body like Usher.. hehehe), taller than me, same level of education if not higher, preferably non-business students, and... hehehe, hairy chested (maybe coz the men in my family are not so hairy). Well, I didn't get the one that I want. For example, my husband right now only fits 2 of the criteria mentioned above. Sad to say, he didn't fit the first one... hehehe. But nonetheless, I make do with what he has. In fact, he has certain aspects which I have never thought necessary, and yet he has them. So ok lah. I mean, I'm not perfect as well.

But, should I nominate him for the award... hhhmmm... maybe I would. So where should I sign up? :)

At Thursday, 14 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like it how you comment on the "sexual prowess"... neat :)

At Thursday, 14 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Hey Ija, thanx for sharing... May your marriage lasts forever and your family "diberkati Allah".

Hey Anon... err, thanx too!

At Thursday, 14 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Mel Ija said "But, should I nominate him for the award... hhhmmm... maybe I would. So where should I sign up? :)"

Hmm.. the organising committee is still finalising a few administrative stuffs. But I shall keep your entry on record :)))

At Thursday, 14 September, 2006, Blogger pugly said...

Hmmm ... I've long given up on this notion of a `perfect' partner. They don't exist. I mean, nobody's perfect, right? :-)

I nominate you je la, Abdun. You seem like a decent guy, & I'm sure you'd make a great daddy too when the time comes. Except for, er, quality No.2, which of course, only your wife would know ;-)

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Blogger ManaL said...

Where do i begin?

I used to state out what i would desire in man, but for the past 2 years, i've stuck to the idea that whatever the package he may appear to be in one, he would be good to me as i will be good to him. But recently i upgraded the wish as: he would be the best for me as i will be the best for him. Yin and Yang kinda thing.

Deep down, for those who grew up in a stable, nearly harmony family, a daughter would silently wish that her hubby would possess some of her father's qualities.

I'll nominate my dad la mcm ni...and probably "him" but "him" at the mo is too far away, so "him" has fall down under "unknown".

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Pugly - thanx for the 'nomination', I'm flattered :) For Item 1, yeah, still learning a lot more religion aspects (in a rather slow speed due to time constraints). Most of time, we share our knowledge instead of me teaching her. Item 2, let me ask my wife (quietly) about it ok! But at least I know my "babies" can swim haha. Items 3 and 4, most likely will fail miserably (and hope I won't encounter such situations). Luckily, we live on Floor 3. Even so, don't think I 'larat' to lift her up. Item 5: maybe, maybe not? Item 6: Emm.. so, so... surviving'lah. Item 7: not really an all rounder. Item 8: I admit I have to leave my ego outside the door. Otherwise, me and wife might get into quarrels since my wife's work schedule is very tight.

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Manal - a good decision in nominating your dad. Though, quiet mysterious the way you describe "him" who is at the moment too far away, and has fall down under "unknown". Errr... unknown?

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Blogger ManaL said...

Abdun, have u seen The Saint (the more recent one with Val Kilmer) and Charade (cary grant, audrey hepburn)? Enigmatic as it appears to be, there are many other issues yet to be solved. So an "unknown" to most people is not necessarily "unknown" to me.

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as for me, my expectation for him is pretty simple, i guess. As long as he prays 5x a day, helps me out with the house chores, shares all my burdens & ofcourse vice versa, that would be good enuff. But of course, other items would be a bonus for the marriage & the children's sake. Not to say that I do not have any criterias/standard for the man that I love, it's just that, this life is too short for me to fuss about this, and yet my responsibility & love to God is.. still... tak seberapa... i guess that is our final goal, anyway... hmm there goes my 2 cents..

At Friday, 15 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Manal, I saw The Saint but have vague memories about it but never saw Charade before.

Shiha, thanx for your 2 cents.. well worth it!

At Monday, 02 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) his religious background: Hehe... I'm not a religiuos person myself... the only time i'd pray is to mintak no. ekor or mintak jodoh ;) but having a hubby who's religious will gimme some ease as i know he wont go gamble off our wedding ring or drink until he prefers hugging the toilet bowl than me ;); AND

2) his sexual prowess: eeekkk... (never thought u'd put this in)...haha! but this is an added bonus... hmm? then again i dont want to hv babies... scared la...; AND

3) his ability to fight 50 parang-wielded men single handedly: mmmm... yes...yes... the knight in shining armour is definitely more attractive than a man eating potato chips in front of the tv scratching his butt away ;p ; AND

4) his strength in lifting you to your apartment unit 17 floors up by taking the stairs, without breaking a sweat (or perhaps a sweat or two): a sweat or two would be sexy ;) , AND

5) his sensitivies, his compassion, his empathy, his romantic gestures: yup...yup...yup... i want this in my man too... i use to hv a crush on a guy who holds the door for me ;) most of the time i get slammed in the face one ;p, AND

6) his well-paid job/career, his well-earned income and how he provides for you and your family: KACHING ($_$) gimme no. 6 and i'll overlook his weaknesses in no. 1,2,3,4,5,7&8 ; AND

7) his all-rounded abilities - from photography, to his playing skills in a ball game, or how he writes the best poem for you or makes you laugh or his science knowledge impresses you: a man who can make me laugh will definitely gets my love, baby ;) ;AND

8) how he leaves his manly ego outside the door and help you out with various house chores: he has to... otherwise he can opt for maggie mee in disposable paper plates for breakfast, lunch & dinner... (and i dont like to iron men's shirt! by the time i iron the front the back gets wrinkly... then do the back the front gets wrinkly... urhgh!) gimme a man who can iron... ;) ;AND

9) all of the above? ALL OF THE ABOVE for me please :)... hehe... orang tamak selalu rugi, bagai cindy gilakan lelaki ;) haha!

At Tuesday, 03 October, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Cindy, your comments are so funny..:) Guess you take your man very seriously huh. Any candidate(s) already? Anyway, nowadays you can iron with your clothes hung, so don't worry about going back and front and back again... :))


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