Planes and Ballons
Wife was working as usual during my break of course. But, since I had some time away from work, we thought of planning a trip together - and so we did, just the three of us for the first time. So, off we went to... LANGKAWI!!! (from 22 to 24 February, the day before my birthday)
We took the AirAsia. Initially, we were worried on how Ikhwan would react when looking at the sheer size of the plane, hearing the loud noise of the plane's engine and being on the plane itself (we gave him sweets to help reduce the effects of 'blocked' ears on him, especially during take off and landing times).
He did look rather perplexed sometimes, like when he felt the inclination as the plane took off, or when we took him up the cable car ride to Gunung Mat Chincang (Chopped-off Mountain) and when he saw the beach, the rolling waves and the vast ocean (from the beach) for the first time in his life.
A little bit about Langkawi - It is a cluster of 99 islands, but the main island is the major attraction and accessible by ferry and by air. When you are there, I'd say renting a car and exploring the island on your own is more recommended than depending on taxis or tour guides. The roads are so easy to navigate and no traffic congestion at all! (unless during peak periods I guess).
When you are at Langkawi, a trip to Mount Mat Chincang by cable cars is a must for all nature lovers (I prefer sight seeing from up a mountain without the hassle of climbing up the mountain myself, so this fits me well). The total journey up the mountain is 2.2km. As you feel the incline of 42°, enjoy the surrounding views - the green forests, the choppy peaks (thus the name of the mountain), the rock formation that took 450 million years to form, the Telaga Tujuh waterfalls, the sea and some of the 99 islands. When going up and down in the cable car, we could see that Ikwan might have felt a bit 'gayat' (afraid of heights) but not knowing how to express his feelings. 'Cian dia...'
When at the bridge, it somehow reminisced me to the time when I went to the Neuschwanstein Castle in Fussen, Germany (read here and view here). A bridge nearby the castle, was just almost as high. From the bridge, I could see the castle, a waterfall, a deep gorge and the nearby mountain and forests. The weather may be cooler and breezy, but it was a straight bridge. So, I'd say the Langkawi bridge is more unique in its special ways.
Other places that we went to and things that we did were strolling down the beach (Ikhwan was quite intimidated by the waves and the sand, the latter due to him probably thinking the sand is swallowing him), visiting the Underwater World (don't miss the penguins!!) and Dataran Lang (Eagle Square - Langkawi was derived from the Malay word 'helang') and did some shopping. A funny thing happened at Underwater. Ikwan was so exhausted when we arrived there, we couldn't wake him up. Since we didn't want him to miss the chance looking at all those fishes, we went for lunch at this one restaurant. Even being in that rather noisy and stuffy restaurant couldn't wake him, until we reached the Underwater entrance door back again, one hour later. All in all, we were satisfied and enjoyed ourselves. Ikhwan was also such a sport! We know that it is very likely Ikhwan won't be able to remember most of these experiences, if not all. So, every now and then, I would tell him stories about being on the plane or our cable car rides, in my efforts that hopefully, some memories could be etched in his memory somehow, Wallahua'lam...
1st April was Ikhwan's 2nd Birthday. We had it all planned, even from last year to have Ikhwan's 2nd Birthday celebration a grand one! So, the condo hall was already booked, and some invitations had already been sent out! But due to a mixed up at the workplace, the size of the guests had been to be shrunken (luckily, I haven't sent out the invitations to everyone that I wished to invite yet).
Initially, I was told that I had to go outstation to an overseas country, on that same day we planned for Ikhwan's birthday party (it was the 4th, Saturday). So, the invitations had to be cancelled (imagine having to do that to those who already said 'yes') and we thought of having a very small one instead, just a 'kenduri doa selamat' (a gathering to thank God for all His blessings) among close family members only, so that it could end early.
But at the last minute, the outstation trip got cancelled. Due to lack of time (and lack of spirit to have it so big anymore), the size of the guests was increased just a little bit, by inviting some close friends, and we did have it in the hall. So, if you read this, and you did get invited the first time round (and then said 'yes') but the invitation to you was cancelled, I do apologise if you weren't re-invited. It was still a small party anyway, and not as grandeur as initially planned. No hard feelings yeah?? :-(
Anyway, Ikhwan showed his intimacy, caring and gentleman side during the party. He gave his heart (or rather, a heart-shaped ballon) to a beautiful young lady, but somehow got rejected. Aaaahhhh, poor him .... (see below photos) I am sooo proud of him. So cute, huh? Hehe ...
Anyway, you can view more photos of the Langkawi trip and Ikhwan's Birthday here:
1) Langkawi
2) Birthday party for Ikhwan
Labels: Birthdays, Family photos, My Children, My Families, Parental, Travel, Travel photos
Toddlers always amaze you with their resilience kan...and their spirit of wanting to experience things...My niece of 3 years, the 1st time she took the flight, she was running up and down the aisle happily and saying hello to fellow was a fun experience for her and I bet for Ikhwan too. Such a nice trip and hope Ikhwan had fun at his bday too...cute, kena reject first time..hahah
cutenyer..biasala anak aku taste power.. hahahha
Paie, hahaa... so, anak ko taste power in rejecting men eh, hahahaa.. just kidding..
happi birthday to her too...
Bella, hope Ikhwan is a good 'salesman' - can take rejection well, unlike his dad, haha...
Yes, toddlers always amaze us with their resilience. But for some, they are rather timid too (talking from own experience huhu...). As for Ikhwan, he's somewhere in the middle - curious and braze and at the same time, cheeky and rather scared at a few things (like the dark etc).
He's so grown up now. So, when's the next one?
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