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Friday, September 22, 2006

Road 'RAGE'

1. In the effort of improving safety and reducing the number of road accidents, the government has introduced to us before, some new rules and regulations. Among them are requesting car owners to install third brake lights and asking motorcyclists to switch on their headlights during the day.

But I wonder, how about larger vehicles like lorries and buses? Shouldn't they install third (or even fourth and fifth) brake lights too? In fact, they should also install signal lights on the sides of their vehicles so that people will know whenever those larger vehicles are turning right or left (this is especially helpful if you are driving/riding by the sides of a bus for example).

I've seen lights on the back of lorries so small, we have ants with eyes bigger than that! And sometimes, their brake or signal lights are also not working, thereby jeopardising other road users.

I think it's time that we implement rules such that lorries and buses should have proper lights installed on them. By proper, I mean the size of the lights are of reasonable sizes (considering the size of the vehicle itself) and at proper locations on the vehicle so that the lights are visible enough.

2. Rains and storms are part of the norms for the Klang Valley people. These storms are usually followed by news on massive traffic jams, flash floods and sadly, we also occasionally hear people being hurt or killed when trees or branches of trees fall on them. True, we want to create and maintain our status (the Kuala Lumpur city, especially) as a city in garden. But should it be at the expense of lives and properties?

I think the city councils should take proactive measures by chopping off branches that are hazardous to safety or if conditions require so, uproot the whole trees completely. Don't wait until only when someone is crushed by them or when the train service is disrupted by some fallen branches, we see people in uniforms spring into action. I think we can still beautify our cities by just planting flowers or small trees (which do not grow more than a few metres high of course). Our cities can still look 'green' and soothing to the eyes, especially to tourists.

3. My dear motorcyclists. When the jam is packed and other larger vehicles seem to be not moving at all, it's not really a ticket for you to speed up and/or weaving your machines between us so dangerously. Don't also honk or curse on us when we try to change lanes in the midst of the jam. My wife once witnessed how a car driver was slapped a few times by a motorcyclist who had fallen after hitting the side of the car.

Let me say this - say, during smooth traffic, we often see how cars, lorries, buses and even motorcycles change their lanes from left to right and vice versa. So, the same applies during bumper-to-bumper situation. The only difference is that, larger vehicles CAN'T change lanes easily and they WILL end up between two lanes or in a rather (awkward) diagonal position (compared to the rest of vehicles).

Therefore, traffic jam (packed or not) is actually the time for you, my dear motorcyclists to take extra precautions, and NOT pressing harder on your fuels.

4. The fasting month is coming. For most firms, Muslim staff are allowed to punch out, up to one hour earlier. To my fellow non-Muslim friends, kindly refrain yourselves from going home that early as well and let your Muslim friends leave first. This is because the traffic jam is already terrible with all the Muslims leaving their work places almost at the same time. By the way, don't you guys have your usual one-hour lunch break already? Sigh....

The road rage MIGHT continue.... Stay tune! :))

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At Saturday, 23 September, 2006, Blogger Hazyr said...


Selamat berpuasa and have a fulfilling ramadhan ok!

Take care.

At Monday, 25 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Hi Ryzah,

Selamat berpuasa, take care and have a fulfilling ramadhan to you too!

At Monday, 25 September, 2006, Blogger ManaL said...


Jangan marah2 time bulan puasa...when u feel annoyed, remind urself that ur fasting in ramadhan. It's a reminder to me too...!

At Tuesday, 26 September, 2006, Blogger Mel Ija said...

I hate traffic jams, and I hate motorcyclists who speed in between vehicles during the jams. It's just dangerous, but of course, they don't seem to care. I wonder whether I should care about them as well.

By the way, in case you haven't got my email, yes, that email address you mentioned, is mine.. :)

At Tuesday, 26 September, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Manal, thanx for the advice.. I'll keep dat in mind. I'm sure the reward is big for those who remain patient (regardless of situations) while fasting.

Ija, true... sometimes, I even wish motorcycles should be banned in our cities (this matter has been brought up before but it seems to have gone quiet now). Guess not really practical to implement it huh? Anyway, my 'hate' towards motorcyclists is not because I look down on them. It's just that the attitudes of many of them is driving me NUTS!!

Anyway, yeah, I got your email :))


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