The Hours, The Days, The Week
23 August

Back to the events that unfolded during THE week. I met, or rather, my car met with two accidents in a span of 5 days. The first accident was a clear-cut case that it was not my fault. I was minding my own business, driving in my lane, in a straight line, when all of a sudden, a driver reversed his car from the parking lot and hit the left side of my car. It happened rather unexpectedly, that I didn't even get the chance to honk him. Seconds before his car hit mine, I could see how he and his mate were talking to each other (instead of the driver looking through his mirrors). I guess, the road was clear at the time when they got into the car, and the driver must have not expected me to be behind him when he was reversing. Sigh...
I hate confrontation - and luckily that was avoided since the driver immediately admitted it was his fault, and agreed to pay for the damage (he already did).

The car was not yet fixed when again, a different car bang it. On one of those very rare nights where I stayed back at work, on my way home, the second accident happened. This time around was not so much of a clear cut case...and did involve some confrontations in settling the matter. Just like in any other similar case or scenario, logically, neither one would admit their fault right? In the end, we paid for our own damages. Actually, even when I explained the chronology of the accident to some of the people I know, they too had mixed opinions on who was at fault.
29 August 2008
The 2nd accident occurred on the night of 29 August 2008. I was really surprised by it, considering the short period for both accidents to happen. On top of that, till that day, Ikhwan had still not yet recovered from his sickness.
I was too shock I guess, that I kinda' lost my confidence to continue driving home. Praise to Allah, I managed to. Upon reaching home, my wife and mother-in-law (who was around to look after Ikhwan) tried to comfort me and said I should be thankful that both accidents only affected cars.
When everybody else had already gone to bed, I was still in front of the t.v. Not really paying attention to what was shown on the screen, I contemplated on the intensity of that week. What started off as something I really looked forward to (the Saturday workshop), escalated to unwanted things (Ikhwan's fit and the accidents). Quite a week....
Then a movie was about to begin. It was Bridge to Terabithia. I had always wanted to catch this movie, and so, since the night was still quite early, I decided to stay up.
The movie is based on a book published in 1977 which garnered an award (Newbery Medal) the following year. The book is studied in English studies classes in many countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States.
The story revolves around a fifth grader Jesse Aarons, a middle child and the only boy in a family of five children. He befriends his new neighbor, a single child Leslie Burke, when he loses a footrace to her at school. Jesse, who is artistic but also fearful, angry, and depressed thinks highly of Leslie, a girl who is smart, talented and outgoing.
The two soon become close friends. Together, they imagine a kingdom in the woods near their homes, accessible only by a rope swing over a creek. The kingdom is filled with giants, trolls and other magical beings and they name it Terabithia.
Jesse has a crush on his music teacher, Miss Edmunds. When one day, Miss Edmunds invites Jesse to accompany her to the Art Gallery, initially Jesse wants to ask Leslie along but changes his mind since he'd rather spend time alone with his teacher. Without Jesse around, Leslie goes to Terabithia by herself. While swinging over the rain-swollen creek, the rope breaks. Leslie falls into the creek and drowns.
Jesse is overwhelmed by grief and guilt. He misses Leslie and is becoming so depressed, he decides to be an outcast and still goes to Terabithia alone. He even ignores and scolds May Belle, the second youngest sister who adores and admires Jesse.
Leslie's grief-stricken parents decide to move. Jesse asks them if he can take some of their wooden planks by their shed. Jesse attempts to deal with his grief by making amends with those around him, especially with May Belle. Using the wooden planks, he goes down to Terabithia to build a bridge. A bridge he builds especially for May Belle, so as she crosses it, he is to make her the Princess of Terabithia.
It was a splendid movie, and I'm sure the book is even more amazing. I agree with the critics - praise to the young actors for such credible performances.
A few scenes made me feel sad and a bit teary. I could relate to them somehow... But when it came to one scene, a teardrop finally ran down on my cheek. Then........ another. I don't know whether it was the events over the week that overwhelmed me or the movie had hit and touched me in so many ways, I didn't expect them coming.
I doubt it was the former...

Although a pure coincidence, the number 2, popped up again that week... and no, I didn't make it up when I said about a couple of teardrops.
Labels: Life, Movie photos, Movie Reviews, Movies, My car, My Families, Parental, Road Safety
Yeah I love the Terabithia movie too. The main protagonists, leslie and jesse were also seen in willy wonka and RV movies.
Is it because Jesse loves drawing cartoons and he's somewhat a loner yet protective to his sister?
Wifey thinks the Leslie girl is soo pretty.. I saw her in The Reaping.. think the boy actor is quite bankable. He was also in Zathura and that latest Journey...Centre Earth one.
Oh yeah, it just struck me...Jesse loves drawing cartoons too - another similarity huh? Many other things in the movie that resonate well with me.. but never mind Manal :-(
Sorry to hear abt yr accidents...maybe yr car kena mandi bunga kot or maybe it's time to change to a new car? :)
Sian baby Ikhwan...
I was quite disappointed with Bridge to doubt it has some tugging heartstrings moment but i thought it couldve been better. Selamat berpuasa :)
Mandi bunga? Can bunga taik hitam be included? Yeah, heard such opinions formed before. Actually, not just mandi bunga.. all sorts of mandi dah dibuat. To be honest, I'm starting to feel that maybe me and the card don't 'click'. I plan to trade it in soon...
Haah, sian baby Ikhwan kan?
Regarding Terabithia... pulak.. Anyone can express their own opinions, right? So, guess you must have your own reasons for your opinions there, mate :)
Selamat berpuasa!
Haah, cian baby Ikhwan, cian jugek kat bapak Ikhwan yang sedih lepas tengok Terabithia...:)
Memang cian kan kat Ikhwan...
With regard to Terabithia tuh, not only the scenes hit me hard, even the boy character and the script he uttered were congruent with me. It's like the movie is about me, more or less..
I'm not a fan of fantasy film (i have not even watched Lord of the Rings...I know...sighh)so, I cannot share any thoughts on this...
but for baby Ikhwan, its kinda normal kan for babies to have this kind of "out of this world" experience.We always have a CD of yassin and ayat2 quran everywhere..dlm keta that kalau my nieces mula menangis lain macam...we will start to play the CD...then hubby will try to bacalah apa2 yg patut...its kinda scary oso kannn
Bella... seriously, u don't watch fantasy films? I'd normally filter the kind of fantasy films to watch also, but not to watch LOTR.. haiya, quite rugi u know...
With regard to Ikhwan's other worldly experience, on the night the first time it happened, my wife heard something was scratching our bedroom ceiling but she didn't relay that to me. Luckily, wife suddenly was awaken when Ikhwan had his fit (I had just went to sleep). It was around 12++ midnight. When she woke up, Ikwan was lying face down, his body all stiffed and all. Quite a miracle she suddenly was awaken when Ikhwan's condition was like that.
Yep, travelling at night/during Maghrib times and at remote places can give us chills. So, with babies' vision still 'open' to see things we adults can't see, there's always risk for them to be disturbed.
I hope Ikhwan is better now. Lucky for me, I haven't had to face any fit from either my children... Alhamdulillah.. and I hope they never get into fits. Takut jugak kan. Children especially when they're feverish, tend to have fits. Kena extra careful. You and me both, dear.
Yes, he's better now.. good that your children never experienced fit before...
Yes, we both have to be careful laahhh..
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