... and you are one of them!

Aaah, don't be shy miss...

I was indeed a million-dollar baby.

Labels: My photos
I’m not a boxer, not yet a million-dollar baby
Today, 20 April 2005, my (kick) boxing class begins. There are two instructors for the class, a Malay guy D’Zul and Dan (I think he’s American). As for the students, only myself and two other girls. Man, it is tough. But then, what is not tough in this world especially if it’s new and doesn’t come with practise. The stretching involves something that I’ve never seen before. After half hour into the class, I feel so drained and out of energy. But since the class pace is fast, I don’t want to take a rest and lose anything. At times, I’m really gasping for breath and literally panting, like a cat who is thirsty for water (now I know what it feels like since usually when I feel a bit tired during exercise, I just pamper myself by pausing or slowing down). Even the ‘cool-down’ stretching is rather intense, not fully match the word cool down. Apart from the stretching routines which are varied, the one and half hour class involves some kicking and punching workouts. You see, before the class, I plan that when I punch the bag, I just need to imagine someone whom I just love to punch if I had the chance. You know, maybe like George Bush, Ariel Sharon, my 12th ex-girlfriend (haaa…..haa…..) or some other people. But then, it turns out that due to tiredness and pressuring myself to do it right, it becomes rather difficult to imagine those people. Despite of that, I’m sure with practise and the right guidance, I can be the next million-dollar baby (male, that is).
P/S: If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Million-Dollar Baby is actually a boxing flick by Clint Eastwood. See me while I was a baby (above). Aren't I a million dollar cute?
Labels: Fitness, Health
I Miss U Granny :(
I’m sure each one of us ever wished they could turn back the time for all sorts of reasons – either to avoid making that mistake or to make something right. As for me, one of those times would be the year 2000.
Before departing to England in 1997, my granny had been healthy except for her usual joint pains. You see, my granny had been living with us even before my sister and I were born. She was the one who took care of us whenever our parents were working. Our knowledge of reciting Al Qur’an was largely due to her diligence in teaching us.
While I was in the UK, my mother never told me that granny sometimes fell grievously ill (due to her weak heart). She was even bed-ridden a few times. I only came back from England on December 1999, about 5 months after my graduation, not fully knowing the seriousness of this matter. I remember the first words that she uttered when I arrived home were “It’s like we have promised each other that we shall see each other again. There were times when I felt my time had come but God wanted to grant that promise.”
My sister got married on 01 April 2000. Miraculously, she got better at that time. Really better that she could climb the stairs up and down, talked to guests and stood for a long period of time, sometimes without her cane in her hand.
Just days after the wedding, her health was failing again and it was one of the worse. My sis was about to go back to Kuala Lumpur (KL) with my brother in law. After 4 months, I still hadn’t got a job. So, despite my granny’s current condition, I decided to follow my sis to KL so that should there be an interview, it would be easy for me to attend it.
On the morning when I left, I hugged her and kissed her on both cheeks. What really surprised me was she showed no emotion whatsoever. She didn’t hug back, didn’t return my kiss or said anything. She just sat there on the bed, staring blankly ahead. Reluctantly I left the room. I later found out from sis that granny also showed her the same (no) emotion.
Two weeks after the wedding (Friday, 14 April 2000), we in KL received the bad news – granny had passed away. My mum and a relative was by her side at that time. It was one of the saddest news I ever received.
Her words when she greeted me after I reached home a few months ago rang to my ears. She was willing to hold on just a little bit longer so that she could see me again. But I on the other hand, failed to wait on her and left her behind when she was unwell (and maybe when she needed me the most). Maybe that was the reason I was still jobless at that time. It was a blessing in disguise that I failed to realise. I should’ve been there when she was dying, so that she could return my kiss when I asked forgiveness from her. For quite some time, I really beat myself up over this matter. I felt I had disappointed her, failed her.
I just learned the other day that only the selected ones would know their time on earth was almost up. And I would not be surprised or even doubt it if granny was one of those lucky ones. Maybe, that was the reason granny showed no emotion that day. Maybe, that was why she had enough strength during the wedding. She knew she was leaving us…….
Granny, when all plans go well, I would be getting married soon... You had witnessed all your four grandchildren’s weddings except your final grandson, ME! If only you could be there, I miss you granny….Labels: Granny, Life, My Families, Time