War Of The Worlds - Review (No Spoilers, Guaranteed)

My likings on all things aliens and alien invasion started when a TV series called WOTW, also based on H.G. Wells book, was aired some time in the late 80’s. Ever since, shows like The X-Files, Roswell and Taken and movies of the same genre like The Thing, Alien series, Signs, Men In Black (the first), ID4 and many others, become my favourites. So, when I heard that Spielberg teams up with Tom Cruise in making the WOTW movie, my 'adrenalien' is all pumped up.
By end of today (30 June 2005), I will have watched the movie three times already. Yesterday, I took leave just to celebrate its release and out of feeling a bit stressed out over a few things (I think), I decided to watch the movie back to back. (The third time will be today)
My, it was a good decision and very much well worth it. As suspected, the story is well-and-fast paced. This is nothing like Independence Day. This is a movie with characters, and strong ones, even if they appear briefly. You know how sometimes film makers like to make love stories, set in some shady background. Good examples are Titanic (the maiden voyage is the background) and Pearl Harbour (set during the World War II).
WOTW is also a love story - love from a father to his children, love between siblings and love among mankind. And the story is set during an alien invasion. Once again, Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning and Tim Robbins show enough credentials to their characters. We can feel the pains and worries that Ray (Cruise) feel while trying to save his children, the fear that terrorises Rachel (Fanning) and the anguish that takes over Mr. Robbin's character. Despite being a movie laden with special effects, the human elements are visibly shown.
Now let's talk about the special effects. All I can say is that, I found myself scaling every inch of the screen, not wanting to miss anything when the Tripods (and its crew) are attacking. The camera movement is also very engaging, especially the 360 degree-view of the van which Ray and family are in, during their attempt to escape at the highway.
THIS IS DEFINITELY THE BEST MOVIE OF 2005, SO FAR......and because of that, I'd like to share photos from the movie (above). Enjoy!!