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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I wonder.......?

Get all things cat here...

These things make me wonder and my wise cat, Mr Sky (real name: Luke Skywalker) took the liberty of answering some of my wonderments.


Q: Hey Sky, I wonder why while waiting on platforms, some people would chase after a particular door when trains arrive, instead of standing still at where they are, until the trains stop? I mean surely they can walk if eventually the nearest door is a few steps away from where they stand right...

A: Hmmm... Master, there are many possibilities as to why the humans behave like that. One of them is probably because they just saw someone who was sitting or standing in one of the coaches and immediately fell in love at first (speedy) sight with that someone. Fearing that they might miss the chance to be happy, off they go, chasing after the door to that particular coach. Hmmm... speaking of the love of my life, I wonder how my ex-wife is doing back in the US. If only we could keep in touch via cat mail, sigh...


Q: Sky, when drivers slow down or completely stop their vehichles to make way for pedestrians to cross roads, how come these people walk so very slowly, with no indication to rush a little bit, especially if there's no pedestrian crossing anyway? Shouldn't they be thankful these drivers are considerate enough to let them cross? What? Do they think they are royalty? Do they think those drivers have all the time in the world to watch their as**s pass by?

A: Hmmm...
unless they are cats, who happen to be rather clueless on how to cross a road, humans should know how and be aware of the risk of being hit by a moving vehicle. I think this has something to do with their attitudes - i.e. their mindsets. Most probably, they have a don't care attitude. They don't care if the drivers have to wait, they don't care to even show a gesture of gratitude, as long as they can cross 'safely'. Okay, so there are drivers who are willing to stop, but what if some motorcyclists don't realise this and run them over? Guess, they also don't care if they lose a limb or a brain, meow, meow, meow, meow... (translation: hahahaha....)

Don't be surprised Master,
some of those pedestrians could also be fuelled with jealousy, who consider themselves as unlucky, for having to walk, compared to others who could just drive off.

In another possibility, this also shows
how movies and TVs influence us. The pedestrians could be thinking that they are superheroes or something. Like, should a truck hits them, their titanium armoured bodies would protect them from any injuries or death, or their quick reflexes would propel them to the nearest lamp post or they'd fly off to the sky and by that, no, I'm not referring to my name, meoowww, meow, meow, meow... the only place that they are likely flying off to is into the grave (me and Sky laughing together).


Q: Sky,
each TV station has their own talent search shows. Surprisingly, it seems that for every talent show, there are always new faces who turn up, indicating that so many of human young generations are into entertainment and chasing after fame and glory of being an artist. But the question is, do we need THAT many entertainment AND artists? Also, are these aspiring artists strong enough to withstand the usual allurances and vices that are easily available when you enter the industry? Are they well equipped with knowledge and most importantly, iman? I mean, we've heard before how some of these artists make statements that are so stupid, lame and against the Islamic syariah, it's like they have nothing up there.

I'm not saying all singers or actors are vile characters. It's just that, I find
labels such as icons or idols that are given to them deem inappropriate. I mean just because so many girls are jumping up and down upon seeing them, does that qualify them to be role models for our children? I mean what have they contributed to the country anyway other than having sold these many albums and those many concert tickets? Contrary to contestants from shows like Akademi Al Qur'an or those nasyid groups or those scientists, professors, ustazs, motivators, national heroes and such, not much publicity is given to them. I think it is these people whom our children should look up to. Well, at least we know they are following the right footsteps.

A: Hmmmm, my Master, this is a tough question.
Luckily my children are cats. The only rather bad influence that they may be exposed to is Garfield... Huhuhu, how I miss my children.... meowww...

If we want to over-publicise those people in Akademi Al Qur'an or those others you have mentioned, chances are they would refuse to be paraded the same. People have always associated entertainment industry with gossips and publicities. What with so many exposures given to celebrities, the young ones can't help but starting to idolise them, hero-worshipped them, even though some of these celebrities are not that good.

Thanks to the media, our country has been shaped the hedonism way. The influences of Hollywood, Bollywood and Chinawood are penetrating into the minds of young humans, making them forget and neglect their values and religons. What we fear of is, should the nation be facing with real danger or threat, whether from outside or within the country itself, your young ones that you all rely on to defend this country, are still jumping up and down, banging their heads listening to music, or too addicted to drugs, they have become hopeless beings. Now THAT would be 'hodoh'nism (ugly).


Q: I remember in the past, how
this country used to work from Sundays to Thursdays, and Fridays and Saturdays were the weekends. Then, when the Cabinet tried to fight changing the working days to the current system (Mondays to Fridays, with Saturdays and Sundays as the weekends), this one 'wise' minister said this one 'wise' thing that I could never forget. He said, there were Muslims who took the opportunity to go for holidays on Fridays and thus, some of them (Muslim males) had skipped Friday prayers at noon.

If only I had the chance to tell this minister that what people were doing on Fridays was not his business. It was not up to the minister to control or decide what people should do on their weekends. Furthermore, how could he know how many Muslim males had skipped Friday prayers, out of those who travel that particular day. Chances were, those travelling Muslims would still perform their Friday prayers at mosques despite being on vacation. Furthermore, hadn't he heard of the word and concept musafir? Did it also never occur to him that most of us would rather just spend time with their families at homes instead anyway.

Now that the majority of states in Malaysia work on Fridays, many Muslim workers have to skip Friday prayers every now and then, and to some, on every Friday, due to the nature of their jobs. I wonder whether this minister is feeling a little concerned at all, if not obliged, now that it IS within the government's control and responsibiliy to ensure their fellow Muslim males perform their duty to Allah?

A: Pardon me for saying this Master... but,
do you think the minister gives a dang? Meowww.... I'm feeling a little sleepy now and would like to nap. Purrr... purrr..

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Monday, July 16, 2007

On: "Tagged for Charity"

I was tagged by Sis Manal, in the quest for helping Bro Idham make his donation to the Darul Izzah (House of Nobility) Orphanage. As one had commented in his blog that tags can sometimes be as bad as chain letters/sms/emails, but then.... since we know the source of this tag (obviously it's not a chain-tag), there is a deadline (by 26/08/07) that Bro Idham has set to close his donation campaign (RM127 for each tag completed) and that he is a Muslim, therefore I trust the tag is not just a gimmick, and that he's going to fulfill his promise as a Hamba Allah, Insha' Allah.

Meme Rule:

The original meme sender,
Bro Idham needed 100 memes by 26th August. Once this tag is done, please leave a comment on his blog to inform him that you have done the tag. If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many bloggers as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing RM127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage". Then please copy and paste this rule somewhere in your entry. The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences. *These can be copied and pasted to your entry*

1. A person is only as good as ... when he/she does not expect anything in return after extending their good deeds to someone.
2. Friendship is ... always something that is earned through trust and sincerity, and is not something that can be bought with.
3. To love is ... to cherish, to protect, to guide and to be loved back the same.
4. Money makes me ... no, money doesn't make me - I'm the one who make the money and spend it (haha, I know I'm missing the point here).
5. I miss ... being a baby where attention was all on me and how innocent and worry-free i was, hehe...
6. My way of saying I care is by ... through spoken and written words, and through actions
7. I try to spread love and happiness by ... being lovely and live happily...
8. Pick the flowers when ... they cause such a mess on my floor!
9. To love someone is to ... be able to share, care and .... bare? (was looking for a word that rhymes here, hehe).
10. Beauty is ... in the eyes, ears, nose and tounge of the beholder, haha...
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ... being in Form 1 and how I realised the transition to being a teenager had begun.
12. When I was twenty one, I remember ... stressing myself out over the Engineering course and that day when an airplane came to pick me up and got me to UK.
13. I am most happy when ... I am with wife and kid; surrounded by nice people; be enthralled by scenic views.
14. Nothing makes me happier than ... doing something that I'm passionate about!
15. If I can change one thing, I will change ... unwanted events in the past, whether events that directly involved me or human race in general.
16. If smiles were ... the only thing that can prevent any sickness and mend our hearts when we feel hurt, then I ... would smile a lot laa of course.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could ... all live happily ever after - no double standards and no pre-judgements.
18. If you want to ... be treated fairly/nicely by other people ... then you have to ... do the same towards others.
19. Money is not everything but ... it can get you many things.
20. The most touching moment I have experienced is ... when I held my baby the first time, minutes after he was born (if only you could see how awkward, worried and at the same time overjoyed I looked at that time, holding him in my arms).
21. I smile when ... something tickles, or when I feel good and I want others to feel good too.
22. When I am happy, I ... am thankful and don't feel unhappy la, haha.
23. If only I don't have to ... worry about money, then ... I would just spend and spend and spend ;-)
24. The best thing I did yesterday was ... spending another day out with wife and kid.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title ... "How to get inside your children's head or your spouse's head or anybody's head for that matter (not literally of course)"
26. One thing I must do before I die is ... be able to bring my loved ones to Makkah and see other parts of the world.
27. Doing this meme, I feel ... honoured for being a part of something nobel and excited for being able to share more 'parts' of me by answering these questions.

I would like to pass the tag on to any of you bloggers out there who reads this blog and hasn't done this tag. Hopefully, the more the merrier....

P/S: Notice anything on the above photo - the word that the clouds had formed?


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Enggerk - no, this is NOT a Malay word, or a word of some foreign language that I've just learned... I mean, not quite, hehee. This is a Baby word, uttered by our little buddy - Ikhwan.

I have recently discovered the meaning of one of the words used by our baby. Me and wife have noted that everytime he said Enggerk, a few seconds later, he would vomit (which usually happens after he was fed). This warning by him, is especially helpful for us so that we can place a towel underneath his chin in advanced or raise him up from his mattress and continue making him burp, hoping that the Enggerk can be prevented.

And the funny thing is, if he suddenly vomits before he could give us any warning, he would say it with a different intonation and with such a rather sad expression (well, you know how painful sometimes vomiting can be), as though trying to gain our sympathy (of course he is, right? afterall, he's just a baby).

Therefore, we have concluded that Enggerk means either "Ikhwan nak muntah ni" (I'm about to vomit) or "Ikhwan dah muntah" (I have vomited), where for the latter case, Ikhwan's sad face with pouting lips would surely melt our hearts everytime, heeheehee...

One other thing about Ikhwan is that he's a very active baby boy. His skeletal structures are strong (including his head bones); he's quite bigger (NOT fatter) than some other babies of his age (yes, we have made comparisons) and if he decides to turn up his volume, even my hi fi speakers can't beat that high pitch voice (not to mention how our patience is being tested). But then, despite being a little hero, he's quite cuddly and cheeky too. Like for example, he sometimes coughs, but not genuinely, more like pretend coughs. After a few of such coughs, he would turn his head a few times to the right and left, before he smiles at us, so cheekily. If only we could just squeeze and chew on those cute cheeks whenever he's being cheeky haha...

When Ikhwan is with us, he's so talkative and friendly, showing his cute smiles and laughters. Not only uttering baby words, he even tries to imitate our words or 'noises' sometimes, like whenever I make the sounds of a cat, a donkey or a cock. The other day, there was a distinct sound of the letter 'k' coming out of his mouth, as he tried to follow me crowing "kookoookoooookoooooo".

To us, Ikhwan is a smart little fella. But we noticed that when in the company of strangers, like when friends drop by or there are other families and relatives around, he's a much quiter person and very much reserved, with only occasional smiles. I mean, every parents would want other people to see (or at least notice) how smart, active and friendly their child is. But then, I guess Ikhwan WILL grow up and WILL learn people skills when the time is right. I mean what do I expect, he just turned 3 months old, right? :-o

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Small finger will bend and snap, bend and snap, bend and snap...

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down ....
London bridge is falling down, my fair Ikhwan ....
Can we build it up again, up again, up again ....
Can we build it up again, my fair Ikhwan ....
Build it up with small fingers, small fingers, small fingers .....
Build it up with small fingers, my fair Ikhwan .....
Small fingers will bend and snap, bend and snap, bend and snap ....
Small fingers will bend and snap, my fair Ikhwan .....


No, this is not my version of the nursery rhyme London Bridge Is Falling Down. It actually describes what happened to my right little finger recenly - it 'bent and snapped'.....

It was a Thursday. We decided to send Ikhwan at the nearby nursery for a day. I was working as usual, while my wife had matters to attend to.

That evening, it was raining heavily. Since my wife arrived back at our condo before I did, she waited for me at the nursery. When I got there, it was still drizzling and was already dark despite the time hadn't reached 7 o'clock yet. It seemed that the sun had decided to set earlier than usual that day.

I could see my wife's car parked nearby the pool area, where the nursery is closely located. After parking my car, I walked to the nursery, carrying my working bag, a shopping bag and an umbrella.

Upon reaching the nursery, my wife carried Ikhwan to the car, while I carried the working bag, the shopping bag, two umbrellas (including wife's), Ikhwan's nursery bag and Ikhwan's basket (which contained his tin of milk, a bottle of plain water, a thermos and a bottle warmer).

While I was putting down the stuffs in the back seat, the working and nursery bags had somehow slipped from my shoulders. As I tried to prevent them from continue on slipping, my little finger became the 'victim' of holding the bags by their straps. Those few seconds that happened when all the weight of the bags was forced to be on top of my finger had caused the bones to snap, making the finger looking rather crooked and 'bent'. It was quite painful of course, but since I could still open and close my palms as usual, I just bear with it till the next day.

I went for an X-Ray and received a 3-day mc for it. Gladly claimed my insurance for all the expenses incurred.

If you could see from the above X-Ray slide, just underneath the 'R' side, the bones to my little finger looked rather crooked and out of place right?

So what did we do next? After realising that these days, my wife won't be able to help much with all the carrying (as her hands are full attending to Ikhwan), we decided to get ourselves a trolley. That should do the job! At least, it saves me time and energy in carrying stuffs to or from the car.

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