... and you are one of them!
Of tongue and mouth.. Part 1
A Little Tongue Tied In The Car - More amazing videos are a click awayI obtained my car license more than 10 years ago. But after obtaning the license, I hardly drove, up to the period slightly more than two years ago. In fact, before I got my first car back in November 2005, I drove less than 20 times (whether short or long distances). Why? Well, blame it on self-confidence (or the lack of it). I was just scared of being behind the wheel with all those other vehicles around, especially those motorcyles, lorries and busses (hmm, that pretty summed up almost all other vehicles huh? hehe). Further, I also found myself hard to concentrate while on the road. Weird how my mind easily wandered off in the past. Combine those with the fact I was driving somebody else's car, had really put me off from driving.
But lucily, nowadays, I am more brave, self-composed and focused. I can't really say I'm an expert driver already (really, there's no such thing as expert drivers, just drivers who are familiar with the roads they are taking, don't you agree?), but the roads and the drivers in KL (especially), have really taught me to be aggressive (at least, while driving) to the extent that my wife had said one day, maybe driving has brought the dark side of me to emerge, i.e. easily hot-tempered and impatient.
In the past, prior to us having kiddo Ikhwan in our lives, I sent and picked up my wife from work (even at times when she was on-call). Jalan Tun Razak was one of the roads that I had to take, be it if I left from the office or from home. This is one road that had showed me what does it take to brave through the jams and to change lanes or take over other vehicles at the slightest opportunity available.
I remember one day, during a heavy downpour, a journey that usually took me 15 to 30 minutes to reach her workplace, took me exactly 2 and a half hours. That long of a ride could have brought me back hometown in Muar Johor (or I would be resting at my folks' house for half an hour already - if the highway was not busy and I was speeding a little bit, I would manage to reach there in 2 hours, Insha' Allah).
But now, things have changed. If in the past, my wife would be sitting next to me in the passenger seat, now the view is replaced with our kiddo Ikhwan in his car seat. Nowadays, me and wife have have to drive to work separately. In the mornings, I'd be in charge in sending Ikhwan to his sitter's place. If wife can get off work on time (although that rarely happens), she'd be picking him up in the evening (since her official working hours ends 30 minutes earlier than mine).
Not just our travel arrangements had changed, the interior of our cars too, thanx to the creative child in me. My wife's colleagues had commented how the interior of her car looked like a nursery, that our son must be enjoying himself everytime we take him for a ride (Wallahua'alm, we sure hope so, hehe). If only they had seen my car interior as well :-))
Just as much as I enjoy being in charge of my wife's travel-to-work arrangement, I enjoy being in charge of sending Ikhwan to and from his sitter's house too. My son has always been such a good boy whenever he's in his car seat. Sometimes, even the way he's slumped in that seat, or how he moves his leg (or both legs) around, tickles me. At other times, the way he looks at his surroundings makes him look so much matured than his age. If only I've had the chance to record a video on him, trying so hard to look at me while I was driving, to the extend that he'd turn his head around and slant it forward. In other words, his head would be about 45 degrees to his neck (kind'a hard to describe it, really). He looked really cute and cheeky, looking at me like that, I AM JUST SOOOO PROUD OF HIM!!!!
In my opinion, the bonding between children and their mothers is much easier to form than between children and fathers. I mean such a bond can occur naturally and quickly with mothers. After all, the children have been in their mothers' tummy for months right?
But with fathers, I think they have to work a little extra harder to create that closed knit relationship with their children. I mean, that's just my opinion...
In this one video I took a couple of months ago, I was trying to make him utter or mumble some of his baby words. We had just arrived home and were still at our parking lot. I tried to make him communicate with me by calling out his name a few times but to no avail. But still, I had fun. This may look nothing special to some of you viewers, but, just like any videos with my son in it, I've watched this video, including showing it to Ikhwan, a countless number of times.
By the way, the song that you (probably could) hear coming from the radio in the background, was Tongue Tied by Faber Drive. I lurrvveeeee this song, and so, here's a video clip on the band too:
The chorus goes:
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time
Labels: Anatomy, Life, Lyrics, My Children, My Families, My Videos, Of....and...., Road Safety, Video clip
10,000 B.C. (Blog 'Comers') - Of blogs and readers

First of all, NO, I'm not going to talk about the upcoming movie, 10,000 B.C., due to be released in March this year (although I do find the poster above pretty 'cool'). Frankly speaking, I'm not even sure if I'm going to watch it, in view that Roland Emmerich's (the producer) movies tend to be all hyped.
Well, I'm actually referring to the hits counter for this blog which had passed the 10 000-visitor mark, a day after I posted my review on Cloverfield. Glad? Yes, I have to admit that - I consider it my personal 'victory' that the number of visitors are slowly increasing. Proud? Absolutely not... for if you read properly, I did say slowly increasing... :-0
When I started off this whole blog project, I thought of it as more of my personal diary (but for the whole word to see? haha). Then, occasionally I put up stuffs that I got from emails and those things I read from somewhere and I began to comment on them. I had also published some of the things (mainly poems) which I wrote when I was still a member to Toastmasters Club. Then, there are also movie reviews plus my insights on some of the issues out there.
After some time, I found myself eager to write on things I see, stuffs I experience, thoughts I ponder and those feelings inside me. Perhaps, my liking for writing was screaming to come out. After all, I've always loved to write - I started keeping my journal back when I was 10, and became the head editor and contributed articles (Malay and English languages) for my school magazine when I was 12. Not to forget, the monthly magazine Ragam A. Nizar, that I religously 'published' for my own safekeeping.
Despite the eagerness, due to time constraint, I can hardly keep this blog regularly updated, unlike some of the more popular blogs out there which are updated daily. Frankly speaking, I find it amazing there are those who really have the time in doing so; their entries even come complete with photos and drawings every time.
I hardly bothered to actively promoting this blog in the first place other than informing families and friends. Speaking of the latter, honestly, I admit that I don't really have that many friends (which is why I'm so thankful now that I have my wife and kiddo in my life). I guess that was why I flunked out at those network marketing bussiness which I ventured in. Let's just say - I'm sucked at it!!
Whenever there are emails involving those from my previous schools, more often than not, they would be discussing the activities that they used to do together when we were all still studying. In order to avoid feeling a bit sad and left out (since those activities didn't really involve me), I usually tend to NOT read them. After all, as they say, ignorance is a bliss, right?
I am loner by nature. Yes, that's right - that's who I am. In fact, if I recall correctly, I was always (or perhaps am still) excluded from being a part of any group meetings, group discussions or group outings. Usually, that's fine by me - although I have to say, I just hope my son will fair better when it comes to making and having friends.
Who are friends really, and what makes it ok to say they are your friends? Ok, so I've met some new people from those internet networking groups I've joined in, but is it really enough knowing them just from their photos, the messages that they send to you and having their contacts and email addresses? If I were to put it the same way as Dr. Addison Shepherd had said in an episode of Grey's Anatomy, "If I had gone missing, I wonder how long does it take for anyone to notice". Likewise, if I want to be mean, I can also say that I may be hardly affected if some of my contacts are missing from my life..... Heck, I hardly know most of the people whose emails and contact nos. I have anyway. In fact, I doubt it'd make any difference if I delete those 'unknown' contacts from my address book and phone memory.
Back to promoting this blog; I have this as my email signature - http://boulevard-ijab.blogspot.com/ - For those who matter and for things that count. Explore thoughts in my head, opinions I can conceive, experiences I encounter and talents that I possess.
I usually email my contacts whenever I have posted an article worth telling them about, or have a latest video on my son that I wish them to view.
My memberships in those Internet networking groups may have also helped to propel the no. of hits (since I provide a link to this blog in my profile).
Although those who comment on my writings are still pretty much the same people, the statistics have shown the daily hits have doubled and at times, tripled from how it was used to be. Nothing to brag about, since the numbers are still very small, and this is still a 'small' blog compared to some blogs out there, whose loyal readers can be up to a few hundreds (if not thousands) and which have the Netizens raving about.
Despite personal stories cover about 80% of the things I write in this blog, like I said before, I do cover other topics and issues as well. Thanx to that (the somewhat wide range of topics), people have also come across my blog by chance too, after searching certain keywords vide the internet search engines which had lead them to this blog.
Weird enough, sometimes, this blog doesn't really have anything remotely related to those keywords and yet, the search engines point to this blog as one of the results. I have nothing to complain about that. At least they get to know there is a person by the name of Abdun Nizar, whose blog is rather philosophical at times, with witty thoughts here and there; whose best friends and life companions are his families, especially his wife and kid. They (wife and kid) are his life, they are his soul - they give him purpose, they give him hope and they fill the void inside him. Although sometimes his patience, courage and fear are tested and he has to face off his inner demons once in a while, he realises that having and keeping a family is a no laughing matter.... and he's willing to brave them (inner demons) like a warrior facing a monstrous creature (see above poster)!
Labels: Life, My Children, My Families, Of....and....