Mizunderstood - some 'little' jokes to brighten your day!
For those who know me well, they'd know that I’ve been working in the field of Intellectual Property (IP), especially in patents, throughout almost my entire career life. Prior to working for the present company, I was with this IP firm called Michael Yeoh (not the real name).
Now, here’s a typical conversation that took place whenever I tried to explain to people (especially those I just met at functions not related to my job and I didn't bring my name cards), about the line of work that I do. Usually, it would start with the other person struggling to get my name right... sigh...
Me: No, not Abdul, but Abduuuuunnnnn (see how I pronounced my name as though reciting an Al Qur'an verse with tajwid Idgham Maal Ghunnah)
Me: It's A-B-D-U-N, with the N, not L...
Me: (thinking quietly) Are your trying to spell out the word ADDRESS?
So, after sorting that matter out, here's the next confusion that ensues:
Me: I work with this firm called Michael Yeoh.
Person A: Michelle Yeoh? The actress?
Me: No… no… Michael Yeoh … (emphasizing on the word ‘Michael’)
Person A: So, what does it do?
Me: It’s an IP firm…..
Person A: I see, so you are an IT person… you do computer programming?
Me: No, not IT, but IP…. Intellectual Property!
Person A: Property? So, the company builds condos or what?
Me: Intellectual Property is ‘Harta Intelek’ – you know those Trademark and Copyright stuffs… But I deal mainly with patent matters.
Person A: Patterns? You are a designer? You design clothing patterns?
Usually, at this point of time, I’d be too lazy to carry on with the conversation and tried to change the topic to something else, say… like the weather for instance. Now that I’m with a well known company, finally, whenever someone is asking me where I work now, I can simply say the name of the company, without being misunderstood by the other party.

The new Chairman of the Company, Mr. Ikhwan Rasydan is ready to chair his first ever board meeting. Sitting 'stylishly' in his specially ordered chair, he poses for the camera before he commences with the meeting.

Suddenly, there is a sudden change in Mr. Chairman's expression. He's probably not happy with the way his photo is taken OR perhaps he doesn't like the ambience in the meeting room OR can it be due to the choice of refreshments for that day OR may be, he just wants the camera for himself?

The Board members are puzzled when suddenly Mr. Chairman broke into tears. They know that the meeting is probably going to be postponed now OR they will surely be next in line to get scolded after the photographer's turn. It's going to be a long day...:-)
Labels: 'Little', Family photos, Jokes, Life, Love, My Children, Parental