Num8ers (updated in green)

Coincidentally, number 2 is very significant to me. Not that it actually means anything particular (as it has brought both joy and sorrow to my life), but number 2 is indeed meaningful. Here's how:
1. My parents only have 2 children - me and my sis, and I am the 2nd child.
2. The age difference between me and my sis is 2 years.
3. The age difference between me and my wife is 2 years.
4. My birth month is February, 2nd month of the year.
5. My Muslim birth month is Safar, also 2nd month of the year.
6. The difference between these two numbers is 2:-
(a) My sis was born at about 8am. About a couple of years later, I was born around 10am. Difference: 10 - 8 = 2.
(b) My birthday is 25 February, while my wife's birthday is 27 January. Difference: 27 - 25 = 2.
(c) I got married on 29 January to my wife, whose birthday fell 2 days earlier.
(d) My graduation day was on 9th of July (7th month). Difference: 9 - 7 = 2.
7. My beloved grandma passed away exactly 2 weeks after my sister got married.
8. The sister to my beloved grandma (whom I was quite close to) passed away about 2 months after I came back to Malaysia, followed by my grandma's death 2 months later.
P/S: Here are more "no. 2" events that I just learned from my wife.
1. My wife's Muslim birth month is also Safar (2nd month of the Muslim year); same as my Muslim birth month.
2. My wife was also born at about 8am (same as my elder sister; but different years), while I was born around 10am. Difference: 10 - 8 = 2.
3. I was born on Wednesday, while my wife was born on Friday. Difference in days = 2 days.
Super coolll eh?
Will number 2 bring anymore surprises or have I forgotten anymore important "no. 2" events? Wallahua'lam (which means more or less "Only Allah knows").
1. Learn alphabets from movies: 'D' is for diamond (The Pink Panther); Destination (Final Destination 3); Descending (The Descent); Dick (Have Fun With Dick And Jane); Diego (of Ice Age 2); Death Call (When A Stranger Calls) and Disney (The Wild). While 'V' is for Vampires (Underworld 2) and Vendetta.
2. Also reviews on The Manly Girl (She's The Man), The Sinking Ship (Poseidon), The Impossible Mission (MI-3), The Puzzling Code (The Da Vinci Code), The Hibernated Animals (Over The Hedge), The Last Stand (X-Men 3) and err... The Hilly Eyes? (The Hills Have Eyes).
3. Abdoon Cartoon: Believe it or not... I was once a comic artist, a publisher and an entrepreneur.
4. The Taj of India.
5. The memorable wedding.
6. The unforgettable honeymooonnnn....
7. The majestic Sabah.