The 'sick' year? (updated today...)

It seems that a few people I know fall (drastically) ill this year, even for a short period of time.
For example, I suffered a number of very bad migraine episodes this year and a few other aches here and there, which I would rather not to elaborate.
Then, Tok Zal passed away last Ramadhan after two weeks being admitted into the hospital.
Ikhwan's babysitter (Kak Ana) was also admitted into the hospital recently due to diabetic complication and infection to her kidney and lungs. Seeing her lying there unconscious on the hospital bed, with all those tubes and monitor screens really gave me an uncomfortable feeling and reminded me of Tok Zal when she was in the hospital. Kak Ana was already discharged. Whether or not she can resume taking care of babies (which includes Ikhwan) after this, is a different matter. What important now is for her to fully recover soon, Insha' Allah.
Then, there were 3 other people I know of, who had dengue fever (on separate occasions)....
... and only yesterday, I had a tooth extracted. It was the most painful toothache ever. I had to take 7 pain killer pills within an hour the night before, just so that the pain subsided, although of course I was scolded by my wife when she found that out, because overdosage of pain killers can have its adverse side effects. Funny though, the pain is still quite unbearable to this day...huhuhu....
"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;"
Labels: Al Qur'an, Health, Islam, Life, Love, My Children, My Families
Oh dear..i hope yr mom feels better...
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Alhamdulillah, she's fine now.
But I on the other hand, after pulling the tooth out have been suffereing tremendous pains... Yes, tremendous because I think the pains I'm having now are somewhat worse than when having my tooth ache.
Apparently the wound from having the tooth pulled out got 'bentan'. I can't hardly eat anything nowadays that my wife thinks I'm starting to lose weight. And when the pains strike, can't hardly do anything other than bearing with the pain...sometimes feel like killing somebody.
Of course, I made a second trip back to the dentist and have been taking medication. But should this not heal by next week, I may have to resort to a minor surgery, which I hope will not come to that of course!! :(((
sallams do u know anyone doing cupping in malaysia - Al hijma
thank you
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