Ikhwan's Gadgets - Part 3

For you who may have read it before, you may know the history behind why Ikhwan has three strollers.
The other day, I managed to find this plastic cover for strollers, good for protecting Ikhwan from rain (see 2nd pic). Now, when it rains heavily, I no longer need to bend my body while pushing the stroller with one hand, while the other hand is holding an umbrella.

When the cashier scanned the product codes, appeared the price of the seat - it was RM 599!!! Wow, how freaking expensive!!! Now THAT would be over-pampering your baby... errr.. I think :). Guess he really could afford paying that much, huh.
The one that we got for Ikhwan, On-The-Go Booster Seat, was less than 1/6 of that seat's price. Other than its affordable price, when we decided to buy it, we liked the fact that it was portable. When in folded/unopened state, the seat looks very much like a bag. Due to its compactness and lightweightness, it is easy to carry it around by its handle. When ready to use, we just need to pull out one valve and it will self-inflate into a sturdy (yes, it's sturdy too) booster seat. Just look at how comfortable and secured Ikhwan is (there are safety belt and restraint of course).
When it comes to meal times, yeah, Ikhwan knows he has to sit there. But there has been a few occasions where he would just simply refuse to do so, especially when his Ibu just gets back from work. He would prefer to sit on his Ibu's lap instead. Now, the seat has some unremovable stain marks already (from his dropped foods and spilled drinks).
Kids with meals and messes, they all come together! The seat's still usable of course, but come to think of it, luckily we didn't get him a RM 600 seat! Haha..
P/S: A lot of things can happen in a day, let alone in a week. Whatever they may be, just hope that your week doesn't end with tears in your eyes. Visit this blog again to find out about my encounters during THE WEEK.
Labels: Gadgets, My Children, Parental
Hey, it's been awhile since you came out with two new quatations in one go.
Can't wait what u r going to talk about that relates to these quoatations... I really like the Terabithia quote - so deep and meaningful!
nice gadgets again!Notice tak that kids are very territorial when it comes to their stroller...org lain cannot use theirs...hehehe...for the seat, we have one bought from Ikea...beli kat AS IS so...very the cheapo one...hehehe...but in very good condition and ada belt etc...we will definitely not spend 600rm for a gadget la....
Anon, last time, I managed to post 2 new quotations at once because I used other people's quotations. You may have noticed I credited the authors/sources of the quotes.. so no, those were not mine.
These days, I try my best to think of my own quotes. But to come up with 2 every single time.. haiya, cannot 'tahan' lah.. hehehe
Bella.. my spider sense was right :), u ARE a mother too.
No, I never noticed that kids are very territorial with their strollers. Maybe Ikhwan hasn't reached that stage kot! Anyway, some of us adults are territorial with their cars too right? So, it's no surprise there, haha..
So, u bought your kid's seat from Ikea in the US? R u still in the US then? Just wanna do some digging about u here, if u dont mind :-)))
nolah Ijab....we are in malaysia..and Alhamdulillah I am auntie to 15 nephews n nieces...we are still trying, belum rezeki lagi, so, in the meantime, we "pamper" our nieces and nephews...if only I can share here the gadgets that we bought for them to use at home.we have, a doll house, toys (fisher price and whatnots --terlalu byk...lol),tumblers/sippers/cutleries etc...books...I go to whouse sale and buy them (lotsa) books so that when they come to our house, they have activities to do...that's how pathetic we are...too memanjakan anak orang...selagi belum dapat sendiri punya kannn kannn kannn....*wink/smile
I see Bella.. hope I didn't ask a sensitive question there..
Wow, 15 nephews n nieces? Imagine them coming over all at once, sure chaotic kan?
Yeah, we do read books to Ikhwan too. One of those things (the books) that I'm planning to share here.. Insha' Allah.
Dah berjalan ke si ikhwan? anak sedara i yg sebulan younger than ur son dah lari sana sini and ade adek lagi. We kept reminding ourselves that he is STILL a baby of 1 year and 4 months old. La ni dia suka main dgn his cousin who's 4 years older than him. I guess thats how he grew up faster.
We (me and wife) always tell ourselves, and we've read this again and again from many different sources, that kids develop at their own pace and differently.
Although Ikhwan still cannot walk on his own, but he has no problem practising and he's loving it. In fact, his legs are strong and his steps are fine already. Our parents think the same.
For this, I admit Ikhwan is pampering himself. Or, maybe it has something to do with genetic. I only walk on my own at 22 months. Prior to that, I could walk as fast even if by just holding on to my mum's small finger. But the minute she let go, I'd immediately sit down.
With regard to Ikhwan - on other areas, his developments are quite fast and normal. He already has full set of teeth, when there are babies his age, who still don't have a single tooth.
He can sip drink using straws for many months now, when his cousin older than him by a month, still needs aiding to drink.
When we met brother in law's relatives the other day, the father was surprised at how fast and full of energy when Ikhwan crawls (his daughter, younger of age, just started to walk on her own). His daughter never crawled with such intensity!
Ikhwan's social skills are improving too. He can get along fine with babies around his age and also kids as old as in primary school (as in his sitter's sons) + other older people like us, aunties, uncles, grandparents...
so cute this Ikhwan is :)
Zewt, see the daddy...hahahaa. Think he follows his Ibu's traits a lot.
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