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Friday, October 17, 2008

The dawn of Raya....

This year, Aidilfitri (Raya) fell in the middle of the week, which was on Wednesday and Thursday (1st and 2nd October). For most Muslims (and those who want to take advantage of the holidays), Friday was the last day of working, so the whole week that followed was a 'festive' week for them.

The timing was right. When my wife started her first day at the new workplace (a bigger and better-manned district hospital), it was already half way through the Ramadhan. So, the duty roaster for Raya was already out and the names of hospital staff needed to be working during those days were already up. After all, my wife was still tagging, so her superior willingly allowed her to take the whole week off too - no questions asked!

We already had the house 'decorated' a week before the festive week. We had a cleaner dropped by to do the difficult cleaning jobs. Once that done, we decided to rearrange the furniture and the stuffs that we displayed on the racks.

Here are photos showing what we did, together with description of them, written in interior-design-magazine style :)

This cabinet was a surprise that I got for my wife who went back hometown during her 1-month confinement period (after giving birth to Ikhwan). The family photo frame was taken during last year's Raya. The green flowers were part of the 'bunga hantaran' for our wedding.

The furniture arrangement is new, the mat is new, the curtains are new (courtesy of my mother in law) and the Raya lamps are new (hung outside the sliding door, by the grill).

We just love this section at the corner of the wall, flanked by the sofa sets. We try to make it simple - a big frame with four photos of our beloved Ikhwan on the top shelve; a glass gift that my father-in-law bought when he attended a fish show (yes, fish!) in Germany together with another glass gift that I bought in Switzerland on the second shelve; the bottom shelve has the 'fruit holder' that we bought in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Next to the rack are vases with flowers and a small magazine/paper rack (not shown).

We want to limit putting too many stuffs on the larger dining table. So, all those jars containing Raya cookies are placed on the S-shaped coffee table. As you can see from the photo here, Ikhwan also did not want to be left out from being photographed - 'talking' his way through to be captured by his dad's camera :) He is indeed the love of our lives - seeing him growing up really takes our worries away. He's the main attraction in the house, really...

This photo was taken from the entrance door. Funny, we never thought of doing it this way - the hall sure looks more spacious.

Despite the preparations, this year's Raya was in sombre mood due to the recent death in the families (she was related to both my side and my wife's side). My wife already got her a Raya gift. As for me, the usual Raya cookies for her and her husband.

The first few weeks after her death and after Raya began, were extremely difficult for her husband. Actually, I don't think he has fully recovered from the loss till now....

P/S: Although it's already the third week of Raya, think it's not too late for me (heck! we celebrate it for a month right?) to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim readers. To everyone (regardless of faiths) - I seek forgiveness from you, should after reading my blog, your feelings are hurt in any way (directly or indirectly). Although the 'hurting' may sometimes be intentional, hehee... but let's bygones be bygones, shall we...?
Up next! The 'little' things about me....

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At Friday, 17 October, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Raya to you and family, cantik rumah u all, pandai menghias....

At Tuesday, 21 October, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dawn of Raya.... aptly named..

While other blogs I read, all telling about how they celebrated their Raya, yours is about preparations and what was going on pre-Raya.

At Tuesday, 21 October, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...


Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family too...

Terima kasih.... tapi yang paling cantik ialah Encik Ikhwan tu kan? Hehehee...

Anon... tq

At Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, Blogger Mel Ija said...

Pisces Man,

I like the way you arranged the furniture and all. Somehow, I dont know how to make my house looks nicer. Hhmm... I think I need Eric..!!

By the way, Selamat Hari Raya to you too..

At Thursday, 23 October, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Ija, we do think that we may have chosen the wrong choice of colour for the wall, although they were guests who complimented on that before :)

I used to want to display just whatever stuffs we have, that we ended up cluttering the shelves and cabinets. So, this year, we were inspired to go simple.

Eh, you don't need Eric. I can give you decorating ideas at a very reasonable price, heheheee..

At Tuesday, 28 October, 2008, Blogger ManaL said...

Looked cosy enuf to me. And kemas and bersih.
so bila nak ajak kitorg visit?

At Wednesday, 29 October, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Oh, thank you Manal. Hmm, with regard to Raya invitation, maybe alredi too late lah kot to extend invitation. Me, being outstation on the 3rd Raya weekend, coupled that with wife was working on Sunday last weekend had really cut the time short for us to plan anything (which we initially did plan to hold a small open house).

Datang ajalah Manal oi! :)


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