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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I wonder.......? Part 2


Case 1

When I was at the hospital the other day, attending to Ikhwan who had been sick, I stumbled upon an old friend whom I have not met since like, more than a decade ago. She shared with me a story about a little problem she's facing at her work place. Apparently she had brushed against an office boy the wrong way when she first joined the company some six years back.

From then on, this office boy holds a certain grudge on her. To this day, he still intimidates and taunts her (I'm not really at liberty to elaborate how), talks bad about her behind her back (he has a favourite pal to do this with), including to people who have nothing to do with either one of them, like the security guards for example. Intially, she thought that after these many years, the guy would just back off and each one could mind own business, but apparently she was mistaken. It really stresses her out sometimes, to the extent that she gets carried away, and becomes all moody and temperamental at home. Reporting to her superiors didn't seem to help. In fact she felt that the company took his side. She said, with her qualification background and job position, she really deserves to be respected and not treated this way...

Here's my advice to you sis - get the hell out of there! Quickly....

I'm sure his mindet and IQ are so low, that he still contemplates on a trivial matter that happened between you two. Obviously, you are so much better than him. For example, you did help bring in money for the company before, didn't you? This shows you worth more than him. The amount may not be in millions of ringgit, but compare that to him.... he's just an office boy, a servant, who brings in letters for other people. You may put in a pile of s*it into your letter envelopes, he'd still send them for you (knowing so or not). Now, do you see how pathetic this guy is...?

I am ashamed to call him a man. His mouth sure is a c**t...

This may sound condescending, but I'm just trying to boost your spirit up ok! What I'm trying to say is that, this world is soooo big than just the two of you. There are other better and wonderful things that you can explore out there, than to be cooped up with this piece of trash.

Case 2

I really don't get it, why is it for some, after resigning, they'd still come the 'old' office for occasional visits? If it were me, I wouldn't 'plaster' my face all over the office again, as though I were some kind of celebrity who had to go back to my roots to see how other people are doing. I mean, even if meetings with ex-colleagues were unavoidable, I would surely avoid coming back to the old office, at least not during working hours. There's always an option to meet up outside instead.

This is not to be mistaken as, say, after resigning from a company, they joined back the same company.
I know of some people, including a couple of blogger friends, who did so. That's a completely different scenario which is perfectly fine by me, in my opinion.... coz, surely you can't work at the old office, unless you ARE back at that office now, can you?


Why is it that some people go all the way in modifying their cars' headlights and signal lights without paying attention to safety and other road users? I mean, using white bulbs as headlights can be really annoying to the eyes since they are more glaring. Meantime, other people may fail to realise when you give your signal since the lights are in red colour (this is the reason why they shouldn't be in the same colour as the brake lights). Guess, to these people, yellow is not their thing... but how about safety? Hello????

You can read
I wonder.......? Part 1 here.

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At Wednesday, 11 June, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... if I were your friend, I would have left long time ago, instead of waiting for 6 years. But then, that's just me...

Hope it doesn't involve any sexual harassment or anything like that.. because there's a proper channel to report such a case than just to her superiors.

At Wednesday, 11 June, 2008, Blogger Cosmic_GurL said...

The white bulb annoys me too. Is it even allowed on the road? Some ppl can be really inconsiderate.

Sorry to hear abt yr friend. I would just slap tht office boy I tell ya..

At Wednesday, 11 June, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Anon... true, she should have left coz she has a lot of potential to be a bigger person, than where she's at now...

But I'm sure she has her own reasons for staying this long.

At Wednesday, 11 June, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Cosmic... I heard it's against the law. But then, people get away with traffic offenses all the time here, right. Heck, we even had a driver with tons of traffic summonses and warrants issued against him, and yet, still allowed to drive express bus.

There was a night, traffic was slow moving, and this guy with 'white' headlights was behind me. My eyes got really sore. When traffic started to move, I purposely drove so slowly, so that the guy would take over me. The minute he was in front of me, I immediately flashed my high beams for a few seconds... :-)

Every single person who knows about this story can tell how lousy and 'psycho' this guy is. Unfortunately, the only party who fails to see this is... the company. Guess they need their letters sent maaa.. hahaaha

I hope she can get out ASAP, hopefully within this year. She's been looking for career and other opportunities that she can snatch upon and apply for.

At Wednesday, 11 June, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Adding to my reply on that office bontot, also heard that a number of other staff had also encountered unpleasant experiences dealing/communicating with him.

Like I said, the only party who fails to see this is... the company.

At Friday, 13 June, 2008, Blogger Hazyr said...


My conspiracy theory is, the office guy had or still has a secret crush on her! That would explain his psychotic behaviour wouldn't it? ;)

Anyway, if your friend wants to jump ship, maybe she can send her CV to my sister...she's with a recruitment agency now and they're currently doing active recruitments.. I'll pass you her email address on FB later, tak ingat!

At Friday, 13 June, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Ok, i'm not sure what FB means, but then, yeah.. looking forward to receiving your further info..

In case she already has something, maybe I want to pass my CV as well.. hehee, been thinking of a career change of late.

Anyway, trust me, the incident that ignited the whole thing had nothing to with sexual tension (more like tension only, but without the sexual factor).. It was purely miscommunication on a work-related matter. Like I said, some other people in the office also find it difficult to liaise with him.

When at the HUKM hospital the other day, I WAS kinda' hoping meeting u by chance.. nak contact, takdak no pulak..


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