... and you are one of them!
Which one won?
We entered the Anakku contest a few months ago. The contest required participants to submit either a photo or a video that showed times of intimacy between parents and their kids. The photo (or video) also needed to be titled and described in less than X number of words.
When I found out about the contest, I thought why not I gave it a try, or should I say, two tries to be exact. I submitted two photos - one photo with Ikhwan hugging his Ibu while the other depicted Ikhwan touching my face.
I'd have submitted a video as well, like the one where I sang a song that I wrote for Ikhwan. But the contest rule said the video should be smaller than Y size. Due to not having the technical know-how in video compressing and lack of time to tinker with softwares (plus not sure which is the best software to do the job in the first place anyway), I decided to just go ahead with the 2 photos.
Last week, I received a letter announcing that one of my entries had won Ikhwan a RM 100/- voucher (not a 1st prize though). The voucher needed to be picked up by myself at the Anakku boutique at The Curve. I enquired at the boutique which one of my entries actually won but the sales assistants couldn't help me. I don't feel the need to take the trouble calling up the Anakku HQ, so I guess it's best to just let it stay unknown. All that mattered was that the voucher had entitled our baby to a new stroller.
Actually, Ikhwan already have a stroller - it was a present given by my colleagues, and we are so grateful for it. But the stroller is quite a tad too big. It cannot fit into my wife's car boot and does occupy a large space of my car boot. It's also a bit tricky to fold and unfold it and its weight makes it incovenient for my wife to carry in the event that she travels with Ikhwan alone. Though we still use the first stroller once in a while, we found it to be more suitable to use when Ikhwan gets 'older' (the stroller can take a kid up to 6-7 years old). So, my wife bought him the second stroller - a much smaller one where once folded, it looked like an umbrella. But the stroller is no longer suitable for Ikhwan whose body is now quite big. So, it was time that we got him his third one and luckily, by using the voucher, we managed to find the perfect one that matched the criteria we were looking for.
Ok, enough about strollers....I shall talk more about them when it's time to share with you about Ikhwan and his gadgets :-)
Now, going back to the contest we had won, for the fun of it, here are the 2 entries (un-edited) that I submitted for the contest. Which one you guys think won? There's no right or wrong answer of course. Honestly, I don't have any preference, because I like both entries just as much and really enjoyed squeezing my brain, during the times when I tried to come out with catchy photo titles and descriptions.

Photo Title 1:
My huggable and adorable boy
Photo description:
Ikhwan knows where to focus his eyes on whenever he is photographed or video recorded. He, who loves to cuddle and being hugged, is all set here to be photographed with Ibu. After all, Ikhwan is indeed a very huggable and adorable baby boy.

Photo Title 2:
Ikhwan The Explorer
Photo description:
My baby Ikhwan is quite a natural explorer especially when it comes to faces. Here, as his hand-eye co-ordination helped him explore my face, at the same time, I was admiring his, envying how soft and smooth his complexion was.
P/S: Now that occasionally, I have more blog visitors (who also read hopefully, instead of just visiting) from the US than from my home country, Malaysia, I find that I need to be aware of my English. Better brush up on my grammar and writing styles huh? Hehehe.... Also, it'd be great if those non-Malaysians can say hi or comment or something... :-)
Labels: Contest, Creativity, Gadgets, My Children, My Families, Weirdness
Congratulations on gaining the attention, and perhaps, popularity from people from other parts of the world...
My friends have been telling me to get my kids to enter into those baby photo contest, but I never seem to know or am aware of the existence of these contests. Can you please let me know as to how I can enter into those contests? Terrible aren't I (malas pun yer sebenarnya, but when I see other people putting their kids and all into these contests, terasa macam naklah pulak).
Secondly, my goodness... for an only child in the family (for now), he does seems to have a lot of strollers. I only have two. One for the baby and one for the Kakak.
TQ Anon...:-0
Puan Mel... there's no specific source where u can find out what contests are currently going on. Like the one by Anakku, we found out from the boutique where we bought our stuffs from... there was another one we entered by Johnson&Johnson, bcoz we stumbled upon their booth at a shopping complex.
Monthly parenting magazines also organise their own contests plus you can also see these contests being published in papers sometimes.
In the name of convenience, we got Ikhwan 2 car seats (one in each car), but in the case of him having 3 strollers alredi, I think I can blame that on technicality.
We could have avoided buying him another stroller, if my wife didn't buy the small one in the first place (well, we didnt expect Ikhwan's skeletal frame would be quite big anyway, coz we saw the same stroller being used by 4-5 year old kids before) or the one we got as a present is not that bulky. I mean, really... it IS bulky..
I'd choose pic 1 over pic 2, but description on pic 2 is more catchy.. I'm from Canada btw.. nice, colourful blog.
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