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Friday, March 28, 2008

Election... selection

February 2013

If there is a single 'deja-vu' feeling that is felt by many other people at the same time, it'd be during election times. What with the poster wars, the political talks and (certain) politicians taking turns in throwing slanderuos remarks against their opponents (luckily in Malaysia, no killings is involved). It all looks and feels so familiar as the same 'road' is taken, over and over again, whenever election time is near.

As I make a left turn at a junction, I notice how the corner of the road has become the centre of expressing one's artistic skill. Artistic indeed for not a single inch of the two lamp posts at the corner, is not covered with posters of a political party. Luckily the lamps do not suffer the same fate. Another political party does not want to be left behind by having a huge banner tied between the two lamp posts and a flag perched on top of a tree.

The same scenario can be seen almost everywhere. Posters of political parties and election candidates are by every road sides throughout Malaysia. Not just lamp posts and trees, some walls of buildings and road signs are also pasted with the same and practically everything that stands on pillars have strings of banners tied to them.

Back in 2008, BN, the ruling party since Malaysia gained its independence, saw the worst defeat in history. 5 states were lost to the opposition parties (which consists of PAS, PKR and DAP), while for other states in the Peninsular, a significant number of the seats was lost. Although BN still ruled the country, in the Parliament, BN didn't actually win the 2/3 of the seats. What a shame...shame...shame...

When Pak Lah took the trone as the head of the country, many were dissatisfied and not enthusiastic with the idea for he lacked the leadership skills that someone in his position should have (that being one of the many reasons only).

One after another corruption cases and scandals involving some high-profile politicians were exposed, especially by the opposition parties. This inevitably resulted in the dis-unity among the component parties in the ruling government. The citizens were in a state of unrest for quite some time but managed to maintain peace.

The election this year marks a difference. While BN is about to crumble and probably turns to dust, the opposition parties are getting stronger. Those (the opposition candidates) who won have proved they are worthy of leaders and representatives of citizens' voices. PAS, PKR and DAP have also managed to put aside any differences and work together as one big strong team.

With PAS making sure that Islam is always put first before handling and carrying out other matters, it's apparent that their fight and efforts are solely for Allah and for the rakyat. PKR leads in the sense of strategic planning and execution, while DAP makes sure the interests and rights of the non-Bumiputeras are well-guarded and fought for, without having to eliminate the special privileges that the Bumiputeras have been enjoying all this while.

08 March 2008 (flashback)

We left our house to go back hometown about 8 in the morning. Coincidentally, my mother was in KL after helping out my wife taking care of our baby Ikhwan who was recuperating from chicken pox.

When we arrived in Muar, not wanting to waste any time, I decided to stop to cast my vote, since the voting centre was by the main road we took to go home.

My wife and mother fulfilled their responsibility after lunch. Wife voted at a different area, and both places saw the fight between BN and PAS candidates. Each of the PAS candidates was a doctor. The one at my area was our family doctor.

Night time - we eagerly awaited for the polling results. If we didn't watch the special TV programme that covered the election, we would constantly look at the results appearing at the bottom screen when a different programme was running.

Many anticipated the opposition would win big, although it was a tough call. As for me, I rooted for PAS and PKR. So, when the opposition won in 4 states and the Federal Territory (KL), with PAS managed to maintain their credibility by winning in Kelantan again, the news shocked the nation a little bit.

What's more? A few BN candidates who were known for their loud 'uninsured' mouths and arrogance (not to forget, stupidity?) were lost to the opposition candidates. Well, served them right, although in my opinion, more of them should have suffered the same public humiliation for their 'open secret' corruption cases and exploitation of people's money for their own good.

Johore (where Muar is part of it) has always been considered as BN's stronghold. But that year marked the beginning where the opposition landed their feet there. DAP won 4 seats, while the 2 seats where my wife and I cast our votes were won by PAS. I could say the trip back home was well paid off for I had helped PAS to break history!

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At Thursday, 03 April, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, are u trying to predict the future.. guess one might come true.. sure u've heard that PAS, PKR and DAP are merging to become one as Parti PAKATAN RAKYAT. Hope that will become to fruition.

I also hope that more corruption cases will be exposed REALLY openly, as you had stated in your story.

At Tuesday, 08 April, 2008, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Yeah Anon, I heard and read about the forming of PAKATAN RAKYAT.

They say, two heads are better than one.. but sometimes, too many heads are not good either, coz it's bound to be there are those who lead with a malicious agenda in mind, corrupt and power abuse.


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