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Thursday, August 10, 2006

One Saturday Morning

For the first time, I'm going to mix Malay and English languages in my entry, due to my overwhelming feelings and since this issue is closer to home (and to most Malaysian readers). Here it goes:

Assalamualaikum, pada Sabtu lepas (5 August 2006), me and wife telah pergi ke Pusat Islam Negara untuk menghadiri Forum Pengukuhan Akidah yang dianjurkan oleh Alkis (Alumni Kolej Islam Selangor). Walaupun dianjurkan oleh Alkis, namun Forum itu dibuka kepada umum.

Antara topik yang dibincangkan ialah Group IFC serta Artikel 11. Buat pertama kali, penceramah dari PAS dan UMNO duduk sebumbung, sebelah menyebelah bersatu hati dengan NGO-NGO lain dan masyarakat Islam umum, bertekad hendak memperkuatkan akidah umat Islam Malaysia (khususnya) supaya kita jadi satu umat yang teguh pendirian dan iman.

Oleh itu, kalau ada yang dah terlibat dengan politik atau pun memang penyokong kuat sesebuah parti, it's time that we unite. Differences in politic parties should not separate us. It's time that we leave behind our differences whatever they may be.

May I request that you (the Muslims especially) be careful with this IFC Group. If and only if, you really have to choose (whether for or against Article 11) it's better to stand in the middle than voting 'for'. Why? Because if you read their arguments and reasons to fight for this Article 11, it's possible that you might be influenced to support them.

And why again? It's because they use logic. Kalau nak ikut sangat logic, mahu soal sembahyang and hormat ibu bapa pun akan di argue. So, daripada sokong diaorang tu and silap-silap dapat dosa, nanti jawab la sendiri bila Allah tanya ya!

Kenapa kita tak perjuangkan Amal Ma'rof Nahi Mungkar (betul ke spelling?) instead? They (IFC) talk about human rights (perjuangkan sangat la idealogi Jewish tu, patutnya human rights mereka yang kat negara berperang tu yang diperjuangkan!) But how about Muslims Right and most importantly, how about God's right?

Then, they also argue kenapa nak halang muslims buat maksiat dan mereka cuba kawal atau sekat terus kuasa pejabat agama. We are imposing these laws and arrest them, mainly to educate them. They are not being tortured or executed or mistreated in any way while in detention. In fact, some have voluntarily went through some trainings to learn moral and Islamic values with successful results. Lagi satu, yang kena tangkap tu Muslims aja. We/they (pejabat agama) never arrest non-Muslims unless really have to (like berkelakuan tak senonoh di khalayak ramai). Kenapa non-Muslims nak sibuk-sibuk sangat, concern sangat pasal their human rights (Muslims who are arrested)? How about the rights to those Muslims' parents and their families? They too want their rights to be upheld. They want their children to see the light dan kembali ke pangkal jalan.

We are not against non Muslims. We are against non-Muslims who are against us. Bila Muslims dah ditolak ke dinding, jangan nak assume and judge bukan-bukan bila kita fight balik.

Diaorang cuba challenge kita gunakan law, kita akan challenge semula guna law juga. Diaorang buat roadshow ke sana sini. Kita buat juga dan dapat penyokong berpuluh-puluh, malah berjuta-juta kali ganda.

Kalau sebelum ni, government pernah haramkan certain penceramah Islam dari beri ceramah kat masjid hanya kerana mereka dari parti lain (despite no political talks were conveyed) and dengan cepat tangkap penganut Islam yang dianggap penderhaka. Tapi kenapa government tak guna kekerasan yang sama pada mereka (group IFC) ini? They have openly criticised us not just locally, but internationally. Memburukkan nama Malaysia, nama Melayu dan nama Islam pada media asing sewenang-wenangnya. Ini perbuatan penderhaka dan patut dihukum sekeras-kerasnya. Bak kata pepatah, kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. Takut hanya kerana puak-puak kecil ni, satu Malaysia kacau bilau.

Zaman British dulu, British terlalu berhati-hati bila sentuh soal agama dan British lepaskan urusan itu pada Raja-Raja Melayu untuk handle. If they could show their respect, why can't these people?
Amboi, sekarang orang Malaysia sendiri nak kurang ajar, tak makan ajar, tak boleh nak diajar dan tak pernah belajar ke? Tak tahu nak bersyukur ke atas nikmat yang ada kat negara sendiri ni?

Kalau nak masuk singing contest tu, sanggup mintak tolong mentor/guru ajarkan. Tapi when it comes to finding out about Islam, apatahlagi mendalami/study secara menyeluruh, kenapa tak mintak ulama-ulama yang mahir dan berpengetahuan luas yang telah belajar/mengajar bertahun-tahun lamanya tolong tunjukkan?
Jangan nak pandai-pandai (muslims and non-muslims alike) buat research sendiri, buat conclusion sendiri, then sebarkan teori sendiri hingga timbulkan huru-hara. Also, not once have we heard Muslims yang pandai-pandai buat assumption sendiri about other religions, then make his/her opinions public. Have we? Have we? So, bugger off! Don't drag us to hell fire with you!!!

Tulisan ini bukan fitnah atau diada-adakan, mahupun lahir dari fikiran aku sendiri. Perkara ini telah dibincang secara terbuka semasa forum itu.
Pak Lah and Agong perlu lebih bertegas dengan mereka (ahli IFC). Perkara agama perlu dibincang secara tertutup dan among experts only, not to be openly ridiculed for the whole nation to witness. (Harsh) actions and punishments must be taken soon against these people!

Hari Ahad ni, ada seminar discuss about Muslims Right kat Hotel Plaza. I don't know further details bout it. Kalau ada sesiapa yang tahu, tolong chip in sikit. Pergi la beramai-ramai ke tempat tu, aku tak dapek nak pergi... balik kampung.

In case anyone wonders why I marah-marah dan beremosi nih? Well, semua Muslims yang hadir forum hari tu, termasuklah yang lain di seluruh Malaysia berperasaan yang sama dan most probably, atas sebab yang sama. We are concerned about the future of our children and children's children and so on. Wassalam.


At Friday, 25 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear abdun, saya dok follow your blog nih for quite sometimes. Bravo for your braveness in bringing up certain sensitive issues in our dear country. Have no problem with that. Tapi (dgn open mind ye..) rasa ada contradiction plak bila u discuss/give review regarding all the films/movies yg u dah tgk. I thought most of these (Hollywood or not) movies are considered as maksiat/zina mata? Mind you, i'm just a normal m'sian citizen jgk, tgk tv & what not. Tapi tu la, just wanna voice out my 'hairan'ness in this contradicting situation. No hard feelings ye. Cuma kritikan membina ;)

At Monday, 28 August, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Waalaikumussalam Shiha... Sebenornya my conscience has been telling me to cut down on movies AND promoting them thru' my blog. My (previous) addiction to movies was due to my bachelor's lifestyle coz tak banyak aktiviti lain nak dibuat masa tu. My wife pun baru2x ni aja pindah kl... B4 that, cuma jumpa on weekends. So, still ada banyak masa until only recently. Now that I have my wife and a future child to take care of, I memang dah tak tengok movies sangat pun. And ever since isu Article 11, Lina Joy, Israel and Palestine semakin hangat, I memang dah niat tak nak cakap sangat pasal dunia movies lagi dah... Banyak lagi benda lain bole buat kan? Cuma i tak nak announce loudly aje niat I tuh, that's all (ie niat dah tak nak promote sangat pasal movies). TQ for the kritikan membina. Btw, your http://nazatulshiha.fotopages.com/ tu blog ke website eh?

At Monday, 28 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo okay.. good for you then. Future child? good, good. One phrase that is always in my mind bila dah beranak kecik nih; "Your life will never be the same again".. nanti dah ada anak, baru terpikir.. 'how true!'. anyways, congrats for the upcoming bundle of joy. ur wife is a doctor, no? Make sure that she breastfeeds the baby. That is the greatest gift a mother can give. btw, fotopages tu just a collection of my kids' pics. Feel free to come :)

At Tuesday, 29 August, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Ok thanx. Btw just so you know, I am not a perfect Muslim despite how I openly show concerns with regards to fellow Muslims. I'm very much learning a lot now... But I am somewhat 'grateful' lah, coz during bachelor time dulu pun, going to cinemas is the only activity yang agak membuang masa. Luckily, I was never a party goer, let alone went to night clubs, smoking, drinking (you know what), jadi mat rempit, berzina or change from one partner to another etc etc. Because I know people with such lifestyles and they still keep doing them even after married. Nauzubillah - hope our children won't fall into those traps and their faiths are rigid. I've been to your fotopages - you have adorable kids. Ok Shiha - see you around!!! :)


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