Hush...!!! Silence of the mouths...
I have long given up wanting to know too much in detail about the turmoil in Palestine. Whether the news is aired over the t.v., radio or from the newspapers, or from the Internet or email, I would usually avoid reading them, let alone viewing/looking at the related videos/photos.
Photos deemed not suitable for public viewing are usually not published over the mainstream media. However, they are still available aplenty from the Internet. Photos of bloodied, burned or blown off victims and in some instances, body parts and pieces of the victims scattered on the streets and among the rubbles.
My heart can't take it anymore especially knowing that many victims are children!! More so these days, with me having a child of my own, it just breaks me. If I were to still keep track with the latest updates of what's going on in the Middle East (especially Palestine and Iraq), I would most likely be so overwhelmed by emotions - anger (I think those whose hearts don't feel the slightest anger, they are made of stone. I mean this is not about religions anymore, but about humans slaughter other humans), sadness and mad, so freaking mad, that I would tremble and feel very much wanting to go there and help the Palestineans.
The only help that most of us can extend to the Palestineans is in the form of donations and prayers. True, we should never deny or dout the power of doa', but it doesn't feel enough...don't you think?
The Israhell Zionis argues that they need to defend themselves from the Hamas. Bollocks! What gave them right to kill small children anyway?
The country that they, the Israhell Zionis, proudly call Israel, was never theirs in the first place. They occupied them illegally, and through Britain (and now they are leveraging on the US), they manipulated the UN to recognise the land they live in as their own country. Now, they want to expand their border by killing, chasing off the Palestineans. As the then Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir had said, this war is about territorial, with the sole purpose of getting rid of the Palestineans.
In a recent interview by the media, a lady (I didn't get her name and her position, but I believe she was either the head of MERCY Malaysia or Islamic Relief Malaysia) said that "You can say it is collateral damange if after you bomb a building, some civilians are killed. But these children have bullet holes in their heads and bodies, this is something else." True, it's a massacre, a genocide!!! What kind of self-defense (as the Israhell argues) would that be?
This tragedy made us realise about one thing - unless we are bed-ridden with some uncured diseases, or we are so poor, that we can't afford to send our children to school, or something else which are as serious, all other problems that we encounter seem so minute, surmountable and not worth our energy worrying about.
Maybe we should just shut the hell up and realise how lucky we are compared to the Palestineans. Problems like stuck in a traffic jam, or the weather is hot, or issues with colleagues, they are nothing, considering there are not even roads in Palestine to begin with since most of them are all bombed up; the Palestineans fled their houses with only the clothes on their backs and most of them had lost somebody - families, friends and colleagues.
Of course, sometimes, we DO need to let out our frustation on life's issues, but make it a point that they will only be shared with someone you can trust, and then.... HUSH! There is no point of making our issues known to everybody. Considering we are able to voice out those issues in the first place, meaning, we are still lucky enough!
There was a point in my life when I was influenced by the behaviour of some 'makciks' (aunties) that I liked to complain and complain and complain and complain - to friends, to bosses and even wrote them in this blog, until I realised one day, this was not in my nature, and that it had to stop! Since that day, never again did I complain, especially to people of authorities. This had also prompted me to delete some entries in this blog that I considered as 'petty matters'.
Meantime, in case any of you are wondering why there's a butterfly in my cartoon (above) or the cartoon looks somewhat familiar to you, I was actually inspired by the movie poster of Silence of the Lambs (see below).

P/S: One thing that I did regret though when speaking about the Palestine tragedy - this country was willing to cancel the New Year celebrations after it was hit by tsunami some few years back. Sadly, all those sinful celebrations (most of them are anyway) were carried on as usual this year, despite the fact that Palestine was first attacked in 27 December 2008, and as the new year approached, the attacks escalated along with the number of casualties! Where was the sensitivity of this country's leaders? If tsunami was the work of nature, the Palestine tragedy is much worse as it is the work of us humans.
Are we going to respect the dead only if our own fellow people are dead? Why can't we just drop those meaningless parties and festivals once and for all? What have we got to lose anyway?
Labels: Cartoons, Cyber World, Fussy, Internet, Life, Movie photos
Yeah ure right! The new year celebration was over the top...I dont see why we need to have all those fireworks which im sure cost a bomb!
Yep, the fireworks in the sky may be over a few minutes after the clock hit midnight, but festivals continue on, on the ground. That's the more meaningless, senseless... thing that we want to put a stop! (surely u know what i mean)
The only way to stop future genocide is to fight back our way. The cowards use drones and missiles. No suicide bombs. Use snipers and hitmans. Pay them to kill their ambassadors and their families, their company ceos and their families. They kill our children. List down the numbers they have kill and we try to reach that number. An eye to an eye. Hit them anywhere in this world, from Brazil to Mongolia.
Distribute this comment to as many people as possible all over the world.
as horrible as this may sound, I kinda' agree with you. True, when our heart is burning with outrage, anger and vengeance, we tend to (intend to) do the most heinous thing possible that a human being can ever do to another human - that is taking the lives of others mercilessly.
I too had wished to Allah, for the worst possible thing to happen to Bush and families.
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