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Friday, October 20, 2006

What's the Fuss?

Recently, the Head of Syari'ah Dept. of Takaful (an Islamic based insurance company) issued an email to his staff, stating that they should not extend their Deepavali greetings to Hindus, for fear of being syirik. Such a matter has somehow leaked to the general Malaysian public and caused an uproar to some people (including those who are not directly affected....d'uh!). I have then sent a letter to The Sun newspaper expressing my views on the so-called big issue. As of yesterday, the letter has not been published (I have not checked today's). But I'd like to post it here too (and I hope the paper won't mind since this is more like a free publicity for them... err, I think). Anyway, here's the letter (edited):

"Referring to the recent news that broke out over the directive to Takaful's Muslim employees not to greet the Hindus, Happy Deepavali. First of all, let me ask this question - what's with all the fuss? It seems to me that some Malaysians these days are quick to jump and react over the slightest matter. I fear that our harmony may be easily shaken or disrupted in the future, just because we tend to drag on an issue that is so trivial.

Second of all, I'm not a Takaful staff but I would like to clarify a few things on behalf of Takaful people especially, and the whole Muslim community, generally.

Muslims can greet and wish fellow non-Muslims during their festivals, provided that the festivals are cultural and not religous ones. With regard to the latter, we are strictly forbidden to celebrate, participate or attend festivals which contain religous ceremonies/rituals.

The same goes with attending funerals. We can show our respect to the deceased and their families, but not participate in the ceremonies involved.

I believe the same goes with those of other religions. I never see them pray together or 'amin' our prayers too.

In our case, the reason for God to forbid us from attending such religous ceremonies is to safeguard our aqidah. In our daily prayers, we have pledged in our syahadah that there is no God but Allah and that prophet Muhammad is Allah's messenger. Therefore, by participating in ceremonies which worship other than Allah, will contradict with our pledge. After all, to lie in our court of law, we will be held in contempt. Therefore, our pledge with Allah should not be any difference or be taken lightly. In fact, it should be taken far more seriously.

However, as a show of respect and to preserve peace, there is no harm to simply greet or wish our fellow non-Muslims. I've extended my wish to my non-Muslim friends before, countless other people have done it too. There is no need to condemn the person who wrote the email. The author is simply thinking differently of what Muslims can and cannot do.

There is also no need for the person to lose his job. We've seen people who exploit and abuse their powers to much worse extent, like using vetos indiscriminately and making evil decisions that have caused the loss of innocent lives. Look at where they are now, still in their seats right?

Meantime, in one feedback by Malethy, she assumed that Takaful has sidelined the feelings of non-Malays working there. Do you know that for some high-rise buildings out there (malls, offices and hotels), they can't even allocate a room (surau) for us Muslims to pray or their suraus are in a very sorry state?

The companies who run those buildings may brag about the classes they belong in, with floors marbled and walls/ceilings furnished with expensive items, but to go to their surau (if there is any), we have to go through smelly kitchen and moldy/smelly underground pathways. Obviously, the management of those buildings have sidelined the feelings of their Muslims staff and guests too, for 365 days, all year round."

With regard to buildings with no prayer rooms, I have since avoided/boycotted them. I think their management is not so much of disrespecting Muslims. It's just that they are arrogant and/or ignorant. Having said that, I am deeply grateful that the Malaysian government is still run by Muslims majority and that Agong is the Head of Religion.....

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At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Blogger pugly said...

Hmmm ... what can I say ... there are more ignorant Muslims out there than clued-up ones. Dia org ni dah lupa ke bukan ke the religion encourages us to be civil towards each other, & that includes the non-Muslims as well? Ni dah lebih ter-educated la ni - tu yg buat hukum sendiri tu.

The religion is not at fault, some of the practitioners are by way of their own unique interpretations of the religion.

Anyway, selamat hari raya to you, Abdun. Maaf ye jika ada tersinggung kata :-)

At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Blogger ManaL said...

I hear you loud and clear. And i echo many of your point of views here.

Islam advocates peace and harmony in all that matters including peace with the environment and the society. Unfortunately, we do have prudes and fanatics in any religion.

With regards to the surau positioning, any form of jurisprudence and jurisdiction pertaining to it must be exercised by the municipal of each said area (especially prior to the construction of the building). I am afraid such issue has been taken lightly by many of the authorities in charge.

Peace sign to you, "V" and eid mubarak.

At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Selamat berhari raya to you, Pugly and Manal. Maaf zahir batin. Sori, haven't been able to visit you girls' blog due to those deadlines to settle before the long holidays start (and this includes posting my target entries in my blog)... heheee..

At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Pugly, I second to you that religion encourages us to be civil towards each other. We all live in a very fragile state here in Malaysia after all.

Manal, your comments never fail to impress. How can I doubt that you'd be able to share some solid points with regard to our suraus.

At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever thought of being a politician? :)

At Friday, 20 October, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

Hi Anon, Politician? Heard that question before... :) But a friend says that think 1000 times before ever getting involved in politics. And I agree with her and I prefer to follow her advise instead.

After all, I write better than I talk (not implying that I write so perfectly though). Thanx :)


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