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Friday, April 21, 2006

Psychological profile

This Sunday, 23 April 2006, I'll be one of the speakers for a Cartoon Conference (I shall let you know how it goes). A friend-cum-organisor-of-the-event, asks for my (psychological... hee) profile, so that I can be introduced to more properly, and for record purposes.

Here's what I give to him:

Abdun Nizar, a Pisces who enjoys eating chicken more than eating fish, which explains his current physique; having a slight rounded tummy. An Engineering graduate from an overseas university, now doing not-so-engineering work in intellectual property. Occasionally, he enjoys squeezing his intellect by DRAWING cartoon sketches and WRITING in his blog, personal website and his yet-to-finish book. He is also an avid READER, a keen TRAVELER, a MOVIE buff, a MUSIC lover and is easily attracted to everything RED. Known as Abdun among his friends, and Nizar among his families, he recently changes his status from a bachelor to a husband, and is now striving to change it again so that he can soon be called a father too.


At Sunday, 23 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take pictures and I hope you write a detailed entry about it here. I'm sorry to be missing all the fun, perhaps next year.

Enjoy yourself there.

At Monday, 24 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oi next week jom dinner sekali, kat kl. bole ko cite cartoon conference ko yg tak best tu (joking hee)



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