Freakish coincidence?
Before I hung this one small calendar in our room early this year, I jotted down the national public holidays on their respective dates (since the calendar shows artistic photos of Greece, obviously it doesn't come with dates of Malaysian holidays). I erroneously wrote 1st April (instead of 1st May) as Labour Day and Wesak Day (two separate celebrations here) and immediately crossed them out after realising my mistake (see above photo). It turned out 1st April was indeed my wife's LABOUR DAY. Freakish coincidence huh?Like father like son? Hehe, I wasn't really sleeping here - just pretending. Otherwise, how could I take the photo myself? :o
Baa.. baaa... cute Ikhwan,
Have you any wool?
Yes papa, yes papa, three bags full.
One for my papa, and one for Ibu,
And one for little Ikhwan,
Who is so comel lote (translation: cute)
Kung kang king kong kung kang kung kung king kung kang kung........
(this had made my wife laugh. She said there goes all those CDs and books on nursery rhymes coz all I get to sing to him is this. Guess I'd better do some revision on those songs huh? Haha)
Labels: My Children, My Families
Another God's wonderful creation (the baby laaaa!!!!)
It looked so calm and peaceful. Must be rather full already.
Rockaby baby ikhwan rasydan (persaudaraan kebijaksanaan)
Hey Abdun,
WoooHoooo!!! WOW!!! You're a dad now!!!! I'm Soooo Happy for You!!
Oh how i've been detached from the world, been a workaholic that i just didn't have enuf time for my friends. To u of course i'm guilty as charged!!
But hey, i just looked thru my inbox, and thought i just have to visit your site today, and what an EXCELLENT SURPRISE!! Your finally a DAD.
You're baby is truly the cutest baby in the World!! Please send my salamz and best wishes to your wife. And have great days and weeks ahead with your family! I'm sooooo happy!!
All the best, and please send me your add, as i must get something for the lil Hero.
Take care, best wishes, and salamz,
Adiba Shareen Al'Ayubi
Manal, indeed God's wonderful creation (the baby AND the papa, hehee...)
Ikhwan is fast asleep when he's full, clean and fully tucked in. Thanx Auntie Manal :o
Adiba, long time no hear, and great to hear from you again!
Have you been actively updating your blog back again, coz' the last time I visited, it was 'long overdue'... hehee.. If you have, lemme know your blog add again, thanx!
So, you have entered the rat race huh? Enjoy (or not)! Hehee...
Thanx for your compliments and my wife returns her salam to you too. In fact, our baby also said hi to you over the phone earlier, ahak ahak..
Our add:
B-3-10, Vista Amani Condo, No. 7, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri 3, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.
Call me 013-394 0703 if you wanna come over, but better wait till wife and baby are back in KL laa. Then, you can see better, the cute resemblances between Ikhwan and his papa, haha...
Where are you staying now and where do you work, btw..
You take care too, lil' sista'... or should I say, Autie Adiba Shareen Al'Ayubi :o
one more song
1 little 2 little 3 little ikhawan
2 little 3 little 4 little ikhwan
ha tuko2 je lirik dia
lagi satu kan
ketat2 sket bedung ikhwan tu
bukan main lagi bengkok tangan dia lam tu, x ketat tu oiiii
Eh, macam sedap jer lagu tuh, cuba nyanyi sket..
Tangan Ikhwan tak terbengkok pun dalam bedung tuh, ilusi optik aja tuh.. hheehee.. tapi takpa kalau tangan baby 'jalan2x', papa dia ada to the rescue :o
Enjoy fatherhood, ok. I hope your wife is breastfeeding Ikhwan. Breast milk is really good. I breastfed my daughter till I concieved with the second one. So she kind a stopped at 1 year and 9 months or so. Would have wanted to continue but I had terrible morning sickness. Besides, the doctor didnt recommend it. But the bonding, Masya-Allah... the best. Though you leave your baby with org lain and only get to see them later at night, the baby will still cry for you and will feel safe and warm in your arms. The bonding I experienced is throughly magnificent, so I really recommend it.
So, we're gonna get to see more baby pics, right? :)
Ok Ija, thanx! Yep, wife is breastfeeding...
More baby pics? You bet!
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