Mr Saree
Choose the best description that fits the above photo:1) Competition on getting a role to play a villain in the next Bollywood movie.
2) Competition on the best saree-dressed male in town.
3) Competition on the best feminine-looking male when dressed in saree.
4) Competition on the best macho-looking male even when dressed in saree.
5) Competition on the best male with the worst taste in dress.
The competition is down to two finalists; the middle man (A) and the man to his left (B). Unfortunately for man B, despite desperately trying to convince other people to vote for him, he loses to man A based on these two words and two words only - WORLD PEACE!
Dissatisfied with the result, man B suddenly runs amok, shredding the saree to pieces (and eating some of the pieces), and starts chasing after other contestants, judges and the audience. Only after he is awarded with The Man With The Best Smile And Wave, he manages to calm himself down and the contest concludes without any cases of casualty or serious injuries.
P/S: Ok, the final paragraph is just an exaggeration and a piece of my saree, ops, sori, I mean imagination. He he....
PP/S: Photo courtesy of Andrew, a talented friend cum artist cum photographer. Thank you.
akak choose for C!!!
comel2 kowang ni..bila dah pakai cenggitu le
I pilih the man to the right of Mr.A because he is the most ayu & sopan - siap pakai tudung lagi! X-P
From the way i see it, u guys looked like:
A) some thai restaurant waiters
B) wannabe or rejected buddhist monks
C) Training to wear ihram
D) Conflict of identity
E) clueless lots
Heck, it's all in the name of fun. Lawak aa korang ni :-D
Ha ha, totally agree with you ladies...
Kak Red, there should be a contest on ladies wearing samping la plak... Care to try :)
Pugly, if the competition was 'less serious' and not looking for how to contestants tie the knot (of the saree I mean), the man to the right of Mr.A should have won. Hmmm... X-P as in X-Pugly? So, dah tak Pugly lagi dah ker? Haha... at first I thought U meant Tak (X) Paham (P).
Manal, from the way i see it, I think your desciptions best fit the photo also :)
Dua2 pun bukan. X-P is actually a cyber-expression, like :-P or :-). So kalau terbalikkan jadilah mcm org tutup mata sambil jelir lidah X-P
Still very much pugly, I'm afraid :-)
[shiha speechless] :P
**off topic jap**
abdun, do visit my humble blog:
baru jer ada a few entries. do leave ur kritikan membina. Thanx!
Cheh! speechless plak dia :)
I dah visit ur blog tapi tak sempat komen apo2x lagi. I pun dah link your blog from mine. Carilah yang mana satu link you punya. I hope you like my description of your blog!
hehe dah jumpa.. interesting description! eh, macam tau tau pulak kawan i bermillion-million heheh *kidding*
need to brush up my writings.. too boring !sigh
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