Discovery 'Channels'
It was a good Raya from Tuesday, 24 October to Friday, 27 October. Had to go back to KL on Friday since wife was on call the following Saturday and Sunday. Despite losing two days of celebrating it at our hometown, we were still grateful because at least her leave applications for Thursday and Friday were approved. Otherwise, we would already have to head back to KL on the second day of Raya, leaving behind all those yummy 'ketupat', 'rendang' and 'laksa Johore' (to name a few), those families and relatives who some of them, we only get to see once a year and most importantly, enjoying and celebrating the 'spirit' of Raya itself.Me and wife met up with 'sanak saudara' from both sides. Like my wife, I've tried and will always try my best to please those in the families-and-friends circle (hopefully not at the expense of my own happiness, unless really necessary) and respect them all, regardless of gender and age. But of course, the respect and pleasantness I show towards others comes with certain boundaries/limits and based on my life's principle(s). After living for about three decades, you'd surely develope your own life's principles to stick with, right? Living without principles is like a torch light without batteries - useless and in the dark (unless it's also powered by the sun laa haha).
I also understand and will try to remember this one thing - TO PLEASE EVERYONE IS AN IMPOSSIBLE FEAT BUT NOT TRYING TO PLEASE ANYONE OTHER THAN ONESELF IS A POSSIBLE DEFEAT (P/S: This is my OWN quotation, which is why it's not that good, haha.. But should you need to quote it some place else, please use it wisely, perhaps by acknowledging my name after you quote it...thanx).
Ok, enough with babbling. Meantime, our condo unit is basically Raya ready... walls painted with cool and lively colours (we have received compliments about our choice of colours); well furnished (the kitchen is still in chaos though), with new curtains that we snatched while on sale; photos, frames and other decorations are now where they should be; with live and plastic plants and flowers to complement the rooms (our house was initially plantless and flowerless) and with some selections of 'kuih Raya' to welcome our guests.
I don't know about my wife, but I was still so much in Raya mood to start working last Monday that I asked a colleague; "how to do this job again?" :))
Anyway, as most of you would know, life changes (better, I mean) once we tie the knot right? For some, it's their time schedules; while for others, it's the group of people they now mingle with. Responsibilities increase; budget for certain stuffs increase; budget for other stuffs decrease or completely eliminated; learn new things; unlearn other things etc etc...
As for me, here are some 'new' discoveries (to name a few) that I.....errr.... discover about myself after getting married:
1. My 'babies' can swim!!! And I hope they are fast and great swimmers. Swim babies, swim.......... hehee...
2. The walls are painted and drilled, while the lights are lighting up. Though not 100% perfect, I discover that I can paint and drill and do some simple electrical wiring. However, I'm still lousy at hammering. The minute I hold some nails and a hammer in my hands, I know that there'll be plenty of knocking sounds in the house and yet, the nail doesn't seem to be going in, or the nails get dented, or a small part of the wall cracks (luckily, that can be hidden behind the frame or mirror that I hang there) and most probably, I will just give it up and pick up my drill instead.
3. Alhamdulillah, I managed to overcome my nervousness and able to drive, despite hadn't been or hardly practised driving prior to owning my first car. The car is an auto, so I'm still quite inexperienced to drive a manual. Also, I'm still unknowledgeable when it comes to other car stuffs, though that can be learned in time of course...
4. I was never an expert in games (outdoors or indoors) though I remember at one time, I was pretty good at checkers and carrom. But I lost touch and skills with them, especially the latter game, due to not playing them ever so often for the lack of (understanding) friends to play with (sob, sob.... hehe, just kidding). But recently, I found something else that really intrigues me. Our house now has two puzzle sets, all framed up. My wife helped me to complete the first one towards the end, and she hardly had time to assist me with the second one. But that was ok, because I think assembling puzzles are really time-engaging and interesting. I could just spend my time and really focus my attention towards those small and sometimes puzzling pieces, and normally, I would set a target on which portion I should accomplish within a certain period of time. Currently looking for the next photo of interesting theme to be 'puzzled up'....
5. I find myself easily getting cranky towards ill-mannered road users. Initially my wife was surprised towards my (unexpected) behaviour, but nowadays, she just keeps quiet whenever I start to babble or honk so loudly when a car in front makes a turn without giving a signal or something.
There was a day when I accidentally took the right lane of a three-lane road, when I should have taken the most left one to turn left after that. I was honked and honked by impatient car drivers behind me when the traffic, which was under the control of a traffic policeman, started to move. Since the right and middle lanes were going straight, my attempt of crossing to the left lane, had sort of delayed others' movement. I was really annoyed to be honked like that. Once I managed to reach the left lane, I started to press my horn "with all my heart", more like giving them a payback. The route that I had to take was so clear, I could just speed up, leaving those impatient people still crawling behind me. What annoyed me was because, no matter how quickly they wanted to move, they couldn't do so because the jam was horrendous. Therefore, couldn't they just wait for a few seconds, and allow me to drive through. After all, I already gave my signal lights!!! (unlike some suckers out there...). Anyway, I hope that my crankiness will recede as I grow older.
6. I never 'azan' out loud and in public before. But after enough practising in front of my wife, I will take the lead to 'azan' or become imam even in suraus, whenever opportunity knocks. However, I'm still struggling with reciting the doa' after prayers in Arab. I normally recite them in Malays instead.
7. I don't care anymore about any of my past mistakes which are..... errr, what actually? Even if there is any, are they that serious anyway? If there are people who still want to judge me based on the past, then let them linger in the past. They sure can't drag me with them, because the only thing that they can drag is my shadow and...... my fart. I just don't give a rat ass about what they think anymore.
8. I had missed (and most probably will continue to miss) some movies and episodes of tv shows (with the exception of Lost and Everybody Loves Raymond). Usually, it's because me and wife are so exhausted, we just crash to bed early. But surprisingly, I no longer mind and hardly even ask those who may have watched them. I also no longer bother to grab those magazines no matter how great their posters are. After all, I still have tons of other educational materials, still pending to be read.
9. Me and wife share the same opinions and we agree on many things (though not all things of course). Like our sofa set, the S-shaped coffee table, our bedroom set, the paint colours, the S-shaped mirros etc etc.
10. Other than when I'm on the road (driving or sitting in the front passenger seat), I find myself not quick to 'nag' or complaint anymore, especially verbally because I find that habit, is just too draining (my energy). After all, should I need to 'nag' or complaint about anything (fussy stuffs or not), there are now other ways for me to channel my energy - my wife AND my blog! Hehe..
11. I realise and understand now that the reason a man usually grows fat(ter) after married, especially in the belly, is because he has to finish the meals that his wife can't. And when they are children in the picture, the father finishes up his children's meals too. Only until they have grown up to certain age, then it is the children who should eat more and get more energy. But then, it would be quite too late for the dad to go slim again, due to laziness (to exercise) and the pattern of eating more than he should, has not gone away. Hmmm, now I know... :))))
P/S: For this month long of Raya, I'd like to invite all of you over. Though of course you are also welcomed to visit anytime of the year too.... Just give me a buzz, then I'll guide your way. I don't even mind picking you up at the two nearby LRT stations.
PP/S: Cartoon description - How I imagine my family would grow some years from now, as me and wife grow old together. Here, from the left is our daughter (3rd child), son (1st child) and his wife, our second daughter in law with our son (2nd child) who is holding our third grand child, daughter (4th child) and son (5th child). To the left of my wife is our first and second grand children, the daughters of our first son. My wife did not freak out when she saw the cartoon because she knew there's no pressure on her, hahaa, and that this is just my imagination (which may become true and better, Insha' Allah). In fact, by far, she liked this cartoon the most!
It seems all your 'children' and 'grand children' have healthy eyes. They don't require any glasses, unlike their parents ;)
Hi Abdun..
It's been a while since I commented. I haven't been well. The morning sickness and fatigue is really wearing on. Heck, I've been loosing weight. I'm surprised that your wife doesn't experience all that, which is good. She shouldn't have to go through all that. But yeah, since your wife is alright during pregnancy, then that family portrait of yours may come to a reality. I hope you'll have lots of children and MANY grandchildren... :) Insha Allah..!!
nak mai nak mai
jemput akak x ni?
eh if im not mistaken kan, ko ada masa mngt mtg wt residents aritu kan?
correct me if im wrong, i had no intention to talk to you though coz masa tu akak nye darah dah kat kepala!
u know pasal apa gamaknya kan..
Wahhh Ija, 2nd baby in the making, yea...congrats...may Allah ease your pregnancy all the way to the labour time (same goes to your wife too, abdun).
Yeah, cudnt agree more on no.7. As we know how well we've progressed over the years, such incongruous cliched thoughts upon us are no longer our great concerns. Though i do LEARN from my past mistakes, i dare say that people like u and me have our own ways to exorcise our demons in that department.
It's great innit once u have truly discovered your own strengths and how to utilise them reasonably and wisely.
To that family portrait: Ameen.
abdun & manal:
couldn't agree more with you guys.
abdun - aku dah lama dah dok jenguk ko punya blog, only today baru nak komen.
Hi Broom Stacker, thanx for being so observant.. hehe...
Mel Ija, I hope you won't encounter much more difficulties during your pregnancy period even before the first trimester ends. And I hope the same for your future pregnancies too..
Ye lah Kak Red, U R invited also.. It's B-3-10.
Hmmmm..., I tak tahu pun ada mngt mtg wt residents. Before this pun, I tak pernah dapat info about any meetings, including yg organised by our committees. Why have I been left out, why? Oh Why? Huk Huk.. :)
Manal, thanx for your prayers.. I agree that it's great to discover those inner potentials, especially when we have a partner whom you can show it too..
Eh Jitut, thanx for visiting laa.. There's an article about you in the latest Yellow Pages paper, being distributed freely at Monorail stations. I've cut it out for my keepsake. It's great to see how a friend, being a professional clown, helping out those people in tragedy-stricken countries.
A great quote man.. can actually use it/apply it in our daily lives. True, no good can come out of being selfish. But being selfless should have its limits too..
Abdun, men grow fatter after marriage because they have to finish off their wives' leftovers? I thought it's because everything is being done for them by their wives - sampai basuh cawan sebijik pun bini buatkan.
I hope you're not one of them, Abdun. Shame on you if you are X-P
salam.. interesting thoughts :)
some comments on these items:
11. My hubby always does that! Hehehe he is forever the 'mangsa' (mangsa ke kalau dia sendiri yg volunteer?) to finish up all my extra nasik on my plate! Bezanya, he regularly exercise like jogging, hill climbing.. etc
9. Same here hehe
8. Harharhar couldnt agree more
7. ermm well, certain mistakes somehow always linger at the back of my mind... reminding me to keep asking forgiveness from Yg Maha Esa.. tsk.. tsk..
5. Me not so cranky, but my hubby, Ya Allah! Took me by surprise too!
4. Hmm quite good at playing volleyball. Still playing for the dept/faculty & once for the uni hehe
3. Have to say that yours truly is quite expert in this area. Thanx to all KL drivers who educate me along the way!
Abdun, thanx for dropping by at my FP. Pls see my kids' replys on ur comment hehe
Pugly, no laa, I'm not one of those men. If you don't believe me, ask my wife - sometimes she even tried to stop me for helping too much.
Shiha, haha, always enjoy looking at kids' photos. Have just revisited your FP..
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