How to survive the "Hippopotamus" (updated in green)

If genetic determines (mostly) our physical; upbringing and environment mould our behaviours. I was blessed to be born and raised in a loving environment - with loving parents, (late) grandmother and elder sister. I guess that's why I easily feel attached to someone who is nice towards me (and my family), especially if the kindness is uncalled for. Don't get me wrong! There are many kinds of love. Heck! I even love my cat, Sky, so darn much, to the extent that I always talk to him like Sky is another human being.
However, I realise there are those who are born in a broken family. Parents divorced or killed; or the child is abused physically (like being beaten or raped) or mentally (like hearing parents fight all the time). How about those who are born in a war-torn country. They witness brutalities and atrocities being committed right in front of them even before they leave their cradles. For these children, they will encounter much turmoil and difficulties in their life paths ahead (although not necessary the case, of course).
But then, would you agree that, despite how good (or not too good) the way we are brought up, environment influences us the most. And I'm talking about environment outside the family. For example, say a child raised with much love by his family, but instead of putting him in a good school, he is sent to jail with the rest of criminals, and is labelled a criminal as well. Let him serve his 'sentence' for a few years. Chances are, the kid would eventually think and act like he too is a criminal, even though he really is NOT.
I'm just trying to make a point here. Because I think we spend many hours at school/studying and at work, and these are the environments that shape our lives.
I guess no matter how great the upbringing can be, but when certain people keep labelling you with some bad names, after a while, you'd start to believe you are who you have been labelled.
And in these environments, there are certain groups of people that you should approach with caution. These are the people whom I'd like to refer to as HIPPOPOTAMUS.
Have you ever been stabbed in the back (not literally I hope), or someone bad mouthed you so bad, it's appalling you ever knew that person at all.
They are nice in front of you, but behind you, they will tell stories about you - things you are not comfortable with, secrets that you thought would never leak and worst, lies so heinous, people start to perceive you differently (in a bad way).
Then, they are also people who are judgemental (they are just plain mental, if you ask me). They immediately judge you in a certain way, especially if you are slightly different from the rest of the crowds. And they way they judge and assume and theorise, wow..., it's like they own a few PHD's in the field.
As I have commented in my Kong entry;
Such behaviour (BACK STABBING AND JUDGEMENTAL) is typical among us humans. Whenever someone is (slightly) different from norm, other people start to pass all sorts of judgements; like WHAT HE'S CAPABLE OR NOT CAPABLE OF DOING, WHAT HE'S LIKE, WHY HE SHOULD BE AVOIDED AND RIDICULED AT, BLAH BLAHH BLAHHH...
As though they know so much about him, making him feel bad and low about himself. What makes they think they know so much?? DO THEY THINK THAT THEY ARE SUCH PERFECT CREATURES, THEY HAVE TO JUDGE OTHERS?? Whatever they bad-mouth about the other person, those things will definitely come back to them (if not their own loved ones), in ten folds much worse. SOMEONE SHOULD JUST SHOVE SOME BAMBOO STICKS WITH SHARP ENDS INTO THEIR ASSES, THAT SHOULD SERVE THEM GOOD....
So, who are Hippopotamus? They are people who are:
1. Back stabbers
2. Judgemental freaks (or just plain 'mental').
Those who fall in the 2nd category of Hippopotamus, usually jumps to the 1st group, as they will start to BABBLE things that they have no business in and have little/absolutely no knowledge about.
Here's a story about Tom, who represents his school in a public speaking contest during his senior primary years. There is a short break prior to him giving a speech. He chats with another contestant siting next to him, trying harmlessly to make a new friend. Then all of a sudden, this fella says "Djinn is your school mate, isn't he? Well, he's my neighbour. He says you used to stammer badly until only recently, you recovered, right? Haha, surprisingly the school picks you as their contender."
Yes, it is surprising for Tom too. Not because his school picks him as a contender. But because he doesn't really know this Djinn sucker that well. What's in it for Djinn to bad-mouth him? Djinn is not interested in public speaking. He doesn't even compete at school level. So, jealousy can be ruled out as the reason. So, why the heck would Djinn make stories behind his back when he never actually harms Djinn before?
Face turning red after hearing such remarks, Tom encounters difficulties delivering his speech. His stammer problem resurfaces, which affects his performance on stage.
When Tom goes for further studies, unfortunately, Djinn is the only one from his school who goes to the same college as he does. As expected, Djinn starts spreading news about his Tom Tam label (Tam as in sTAMmer). Therefore, Tom has issues blending in, since some students already judge him a certain way before they even get to know him. Quite a GOSSIP KING this Djinn fella huh? And considering this Djinn person acts like he's manly and everything, he's actually a DRAMA QUEEN. Yep, that's the correct word! What a FUC*ING BIT*H!!
Are you a Hippopotamus? If you are, please do change and ungroup yourself from these people. Why? It's because of Hippopotamus:
1. Religions are misjudged and misinterpreted.
2. Certain people are labelled wrongly and feared at (unnecessarily).
3. Truths are hidden and concealed, yet lies blossomed and revealed.
4. Friendships and marriages are broken.
5. Respected figures degraded by society.
6. People lose their self confidence and shun themselves away from society.
7. People lose their jobs/means of income.
8. People get killed.
9. Countries go to war.
10. ... many other efects that you may have seen or encountered. In fact it's not too drastic to say, that Hippopotamus has contributed much to the instability in the world.
If you ever come across one of them, here's what you should do.
Most probably, the Hippopotamus is far from being better than you. Try to imagine them looking so ugly like a Hippopotamus with boils all over the body, with stinking armpits (ugh!) and much stinking behaviours. Most likely, they are also less successful than you; lower ranking job, lower IQ, uglier, immature, have less achievements etc. etc. Not trying to be arrogant or anything, just to boost yourself back up. Heck! they make you feel so low right? So, why don't you look down on them in return; even though you're just judging them quietly and to yourself. Well, it works - trust me!
However, if they ARE better in many ways (better looking, better income, better job position, etc), but in terms of faith towards God, he might not be. Although of course, you should NEVER EVER JUDGE OR ASSUME that another human being is at a lower level in the eyes of God than you are. That is between him/her and God. Who are we to judge their faith anyway, right?? However, it does help, if you can still imagine them looking like the ugly Hippopotamus.
Also, try to think, is this person really important to you? Have they ever contributed a single dime (or help) to bring you to where you are now? Chances are... NEVER... so, toss them away, like how you toss filthy garbage into the bin or flush them down the toilet (not literally, ok!)... You'll start to feel good about yourself in no time. Those people are definitely NOT worth the time and energy for you to keep thinking and become all stressed out about.
But then, what if that person IS important to you, you DO need him/her, they DID help you in many things before. This is the case where your heart is crushed the most, I believe. In that case, talk diplomatically to this person, personally or with the presence of a counsellor/psychiatrist. Obviously, you need CLOSURE dudes... Or better still, just FORGIVE and FORGET, like it all never happens before. So, decide what's best. At the end of the day, it's your own life that you should be concerned about.
You can cry your eyes out all you want or scream your heart out as loud as you can. Whether to suppress your anger or to let it all out (BUT PLEASE... DON'T HARM ANY LIVING THINGS WHEN YOU ARE ANGRY, OK?? ), just bear in mind, you may NOT be able to FORGIVE someone for what they've done, but it is the vengeance that is burning inside you that you should try to FORGET. The vengeance of causing as much hurt to those people, like maybe pray bad things happen to them, steal something from them, (hire someone to) beat them up, humiliate or degrade them, cast some kind of spell on them (that can happen you know), burn their houses, rape their children and worst of all, kill them... And always remember this: WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU, MAKE YOU STRONGER.
Incidentally, I recently came across this quotation and very much like to include it here. Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741-1801), a Theologian once said, "Don't speak evil of someone if you don't know for certain, and if you do know, ask yourself why am I telling it?"
We have TWO ears and ONE mouth for a reason: To speak less, but to listen more (depending on circumstances, obviously).
And in case you wonder, why Hippopotamus? It's from the word hypocrite.
1. Num8ers: Coincidentally, this number is significant in my life.
2. Learn alphabets from movies: 'D' is for diamond (The Pink Panther); Destination (Final Destination 3); Descending (The Descent); Dick (Have Fun With Dick And Jane); Diego (of Ice Age 2); Death Call (When A Stranger Calls) and Disney (The Wild). While 'V' is for Vampires (Underworld 2) and Vendetta.
3. Also reviews on The Manly Girl (She's The Man), The Sinking Ship (Poseidon), The Impossible Mission (MI-3) and err... The Hilly Eyes? (The Hills Have Eyes).
Your best entry so far... like it, like it, like it....
From "Down Under"
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