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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's NOT just because of the CARTOONS, you MORONIC BABOONS (updated in RED)

It's been a while since this unwanted incident took place but I shall still share it here; mainly because it has, in a way shaped the human history. While the lateness in posting this entry, is due to the rather lack of time in doing so.

Here's an excerpt from a Yahoo news article, regarding the (recent) furor over the cartoons that mock the prophet Muhammad. The article quoted what Tutu, a retired Anglican archbishop from South Africa (who is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner) had said over the whole matter.

I've NOT modified any part of the article. However, you will see my comments in CAPITAL LETTERS here and there within the article. So, here it is... read on...

......(Begin) Tutu, a retired Anglican archbishop from South Africa, said the drawings published last year by a Danish newspaper were just a sign of a far broader problem.

"What has happened and the aftermath has been seen as a symptom of a more serious disease," said Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. "Had relationships been different, one, the cartoons might not have happened, or if they had, they probably would have been handled differently."

The European Union' on Monday said that although it regretted the cartoons were "considered offensive" by Muslims, freedom of expression "is a fundamental right and an essential element of a democratic discourse." - AN EXAMPLE OF AN OPINION MADE BY MORONIC BABOONS. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOTAL FREEDOM - BORDERS MUST ALWAYS BE DRAWN. THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH ARE JUST A BUNCH OF LOSERS WHO FEEL INSECURE ABOUT THEMSELVES AND HAVE MALICIOUS INTENTIONS.


Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami', who complained at the meeting that "we already have enough misunderstandings in our world today. Insulting the beliefs and customs of people and religions is not freedom of speech. This is not only related to Islam. We must respect the beliefs of other nations and religions whether we believe in them or not. If we don't believe or approve of them, we must challenge them through discussion and intellectual undertakings," he said. U'VE GOT THAT RIGHT.....

Tutu noted that freedom of expression also came with some obligations. "Imagine if the subject had been the Holocaust and it had been treated in a way that the Jews had deemed offensive and the reaction of the Danish government and international community had been as it is now," he said.

He lamented the negative stereotyping of Muslims and wondered why North Ireland's Protestants and Catholics, the Oklahoma City bombers or even the Nazis had never been labeled Christian terrorists. "Look at the Ku Klux Klan, who use a cross as their symbol and propagate hatred against others and encourage lynching. And yet we never hear someone say, "There's an example of how Christianity encourages violence,'" Tutu said. (End).... WELL, IT'S GOOD TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE IS ON OUR SIDE, ALTHOUGH HE DID FORGET TO MENTION THE BARBARIAN SERBIANS.

Come to think of it, it's saddened to see that a few groups of angered Muslims around the world rallied to the streets, protesting, to the extent of burning buildings and also causing some deaths. I think, this kind of violence and 'foolishness' (as some may see it), were just the kind of response those enemies were hoping to see, so that they could further inject hatred towards Islam in their media reports. As I had commented in a post dated 21 January 2006, GOSSIPS AND MALICIOUS REMARKS (THESE CAN BE FOUND ABUNDANTLY THROUGH THE MEDIA, BE IT NEWSPAPERS, TV OR RADIO) HAVE MORE BELIEVERS, COMPARED TO WORDS OF WISDOM AND POSITIVE WORDS UTTERED BY GOD AND/OR GURUS.

Histories have shown that the prophet Muhammad encountered far greater challenges in His mission to spread the wahyu of Allah. Here, is another excerpt taken from another source.

......(Begin) There is a Seeratunnabi story about when Muhammad received his Risallah and was faced immense antagonism from the pagans simply for his mission of spreading God's word, for his attempts to save their souls. On his usual daily route home, he would pass a woman's house who'd wait for him to walk by and when he did, she'd ridicule him, yell insults and dump trash on him. Every day, he would take the abuse in silence and go on his way, never retaliating nor speaking a word in protest. Aisha (ra) would cry when she saw him come home covered in trash and dirt. He consoled her, telling her not to worry, that this was his trial and God Almighty will take care of him and protect him. One day he passed the woman's house as usual but...no woman, no jeers, no trash! He asked her neighbor about her and was told that she had been taken ill. He stopped and went in to see her, inquired about her well-being, andoffered assistance just in case she needed it.

So, if Mohammad was here today, how do you think the Nabi would react, the man who paid a get-well visit to someone who had acted so deplorably and maliciously towards him, how do you think he would react to a cartoonist who depicted him with a bomb in his turban? If he came across the Sept 30, 2005 issue of the Jyllands-Posten, a sad smile would crossed vajh-e-mubarak. I think he'd shake his head thoughtfully and say a prayer, maybe something like, "O God have mercy on them for they are ignorant." Or maybe, "O God give them guidance and understanding so that they may become enlightened and be saved." His sadness would not be for himself, but for those who are so blindly illiterate that they just can't see! One can have PhDs, MDs, DVMs and any flavor of alphabet soup behind their names and STILL be illiterate. Maybe these are the folks referred to in the Surah Baqar, which translates as, "God hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)".

Of course they don't understand. They can't possibly understand, and no chants of 'death to the west' (what does that even mean?!) would help them understand. It is God's decree. Imagine how horrified and disappointed the Prophet would be if he could see us doing this (the violence) right now, specially if he sees you doing this in HIS name. What a disgrace you're being to his name and his memory.

Have you ever come across that stereotypical ignorant westerner who thinks all muslims are backward barbarians who live in caves, hate all nuances of 'Freedom', mandatorily beat their women folk and are just generally uncivilized? I know they exist, because you see their letters read by Lou Dobbs every so often, or catch them spouting on one evangelistic propagandamercials or another.

Oh, and that trash tossing pagan?! She was so ashamed at her own pettiness, so impressed by Rasulullah's kindness and character that she embraced Islam that day.

So, to inform those who don't know or don't fully comprehend, since they are those who see Muslims as unforgiving lot, who just can't seem to let it go. Islam DOES teach its followers the values of forgiveness, to forgive and to forget. Although it's true that sometimes we find it hard to FORGIVE someone for what they've done, but it is the vengeance that is burning inside us that we should try to FORGET. The vengeance of causing as much hurt to those people, like maybe pray bad things happen to them, steal something from them, (hire someone to) beat them up, humiliate or degrade them, cast some kind of spell on them (that could happen you know), burn their houses, rape their children and worst of all, kill them..

But we ALL are no prophets or angels, we are just human beings with many flaws and emotions. Especially if one atrocity comes after another, hardly anyone can be patience long enough. Like when we witnessed country R which attacked country A first, which also attacked C (first); then unrecognised country I, backed by country U attacked P (first); the same country U has also been attacking countries A (first) and I (first); and S people who butchered B'an people for no apparent reasons. WHO ATTACKED WHO FIRST HAHH???

As an analogy, say, imagine a scenario when all of a sudden, someone punches you hard on your back. Calmly, you tell yourself, "Forgive and forget". Then comes the second punch. Again, you manage to calm yourself. Third punch; you still have not reacted. Fourth punch; patience running thin, blood starts to boil. Then the minute the fifth punch hits you, you immediately punch back with full force, probably as hard as ALL FIVE punches combined. Possible? Of course.... Logical? Absolutely....

Stephen R. Covey, an author of the best-seller ''The 7 Habits of Hightly Effective People" book, cum a motivational speaker, teaches the value of "BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND". Further, some also believes in the laws of Karma. As for me, I believe that the world we live in today, is the beginning. IT IS THE AFTER LIFE THAT IS THE END.

Surely Allah did not create Heaven only for temporary, or only for Adam and Hawa (Eve). Heaven is there for those who begin their life with the end in mind. And THE END must be something good, great and THE BEST, that is HEAVEN, so that we live our lives on Earth by virtues, so that we have something to aim for; just like students who aim to pass their exams or a married couple who aim to have kids of their own.

And of course there'll be judgement day, just like judgement days for (alleged) criminals on Earth. Although ALLAH is the most merciful and caring judge of all, we should NOT find excuses to commit sins. AND THIS MESSAGE GOES ESPECIALLY TO THOSE ADULTS WHO SEEM TO BE BRAINLESS (CAN'T THEY JUST BE HUMANS FOR A CHANGE??), OR PERHAPS THEIR BRAINS ARE HIDDEN UNDER THEIR KNEE CAPS OR UNDERNEATH THEIR BUTTOCKS. ENUFF SAID!!!

P/S: From time to time, I shall be posting entries which are rather religious in nature. Although I'm NOT entirely religious, I'd still write or share something that I strongly believe in and know about... Do take note that, in case you disagree with (some of) my points, please carry on reading other entries in this blog, as I'm sure there are those that may suit to your liking. Thank you.

Coming Soon: 'Hippopotamus' is among us, in fact you could be one without knowing and realising it. So, who is 'Hippopotamus'?


At Tuesday, 16 May, 2006, Blogger ManaL said...

Abdun, pls add me in ur blog list as i've added yours. Btw, selamat pengantin baru to u, may the happiness last till eternity!

At Thursday, 18 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May i know how to go to haven?

At Thursday, 25 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous, the first question that you should be asking yourself is, when you pray (I'm sure everyone does, regardless of religions or even for those who are free thinkers), do you pray and ask straight to God himself or you use a medium? A scenario to look at is, say you want to ask a friend to lend you some money, do you go and ask straight to him, or you ask a statue? How do you think your friend would feel if you use another medium to replace him when you can actually talk to him directly? So, ponder that for a while will ya...

At Friday, 02 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Friday, 02 June, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

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At Monday, 26 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tuesday, 27 June, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

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At Tuesday, 27 June, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

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At Tuesday, 27 June, 2006, Blogger The Pisces Man said...

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